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Remote Session Timeout Values
When impersonating a user through the use of the Task Engine APIs, the Task Engine handles role membership updates for the impersonated users. The Task Engine updates a user's role membership when:
*A specified time has passed since last time the user ID was impersonated. The default value is 30 minutes.
*A specified time has passed since the last time the user's role membership was updated. The default value is 24 hours (session total time-to-live).
These default time periods can be modified with the following environment settings:
-Dtask.remote.session.timeout=<the time period in seconds between
updates of user role information. The session is not invalidated
or expired.>
-Dtask.remote.session.ttl=<user session time-to-live in seconds>
It is important to understand that the -Dtask.remote.session.timeout setting does not affect the duration of the actual session. The only purpose of the setting is to specify the time interval between updates to the impersonated user’s role membership.
For more information about working with the Task Engine APIs, see webMethods Task Engine API and Service Reference.