Task Engine 10.5 | Task Engine Webhelp | webMethods Task Engine User's Guide | Managing Tasks from the Task List Management Page | Overview
Within My webMethods, each user is granted access to various task functions and features through permission-based access control (for more information, see How Permission-Based Access Affects Tasks). In a typical business environment, one or more roles are created for administrators or managers who monitor and supervise task activity, and separate roles are created for those with responsibilities limited to task processing.
When an administrator creates a task-enabled role, the members of that role can be granted access to any or all of the following task pages:
*My Inbox—this standardized inbox enables the user to search, view, and interact with all of the tasks assigned to the user.
*Task Type Inboxes—each of these inboxes is much like the My Inbox tab, except that it displays only one specific type of task type. It is also customizable by the task type designer. By default, this page enables the user to search, view, and interact with all of the tasks of the specific task type.
*Task List Management—this standardized page enables the user to search, monitor, interact with, and manage all items in the task list. With proper role permissions, the user can suspend, resume, assign, and delegate tasks, among other activities.
*Task Charts —this page contains two default task chart portlets that show task counts for all tasks and for critical tasks; you can modify these default charts and you can create additional chart portlets.
This chapter covers the capabilities of the Task List Management page, which would typically be made available for administrative or managerial users.
*For general information about the Task List Management page, see About Task List Management.
*For more information about providing task features and functions to roles, see Administering Tasks.