Tamino XML Server Version 9.7
 —  XQuery 4 Reference Guide  —

Syntax Constructs

This document describes the syntax constructs available in Tamino XQuery 4. Wherever possible, the names correspond to the language constructs of W3C XQuery. A syntax diagram illustrates the definition as it appears in the respective production rule of the XQuery grammar. The description is followed by one or more examples.

The links below lead to tables listing the available syntax constructs, along with the corresponding construct in the W3C draft. The link in the W3C column leads you to the production rule in the W3C specification draft of August 16, 2002. Remember that the current state of the W3C specification draft may look different. You can reference the constructs in two ways:

Notation and Usage

Syntax diagrams are used to illustrate the grammar rules for the constructs.

In the example sections you will find parts of sample query expressions rendered bold. They indicate that part of the query which is the actual subject of discussion. However, if this is the complete query, it is not rendered in bold. All query expressions refer to either the patient database or to the XMP database that is taken from the W3C draft XML Query Use Cases. See the Examples section for details about the sample data and any schema files.

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