Tamino XML Server Version 9.7
 —  Tamino XML Schema Reference Guide  —


Purpose This element is used for reference by enumeration values in a restriction of the xs:NOTATION type.
Parent element xs:schema
Child elements None
Attributes name, public, system
Name Type Description
name xs:NCName The name attribute specifies the name of the notation.
public xs:token The public attribute contains the public identifier.
system xs:anyURI The system attribute is a reference to a URI containing the system identifier.


The following example is a complete schema definition showing the use of the xs:notation element. It shows an example schema containing a complex type definition and two notations:

      <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <xs:schema xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema">
        <xs:notation name = "myNote" public = "myNotationProgramm"/>
        <xs:notation name = "gif" public = "gifviewer"/>
        <xs:element name = "anElement">
              <xs:extension base = "xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name = "otherText" type = "xs:string"/>
                <xs:attribute name = "myNote">
                    <xs:restriction base = "xs:NOTATION">
                      <xs:enumeration value = "gif"/>
                      <xs:enumeration value = "myNote"/>

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