Tamino XML Server Version 9.7
 —  XML Namespaces in Tamino  —

General Information on Namespaces

What are Namespaces?

Namespaces were introduced into XML to avoid name clashes when multiple vocabularies are used. The concept of namespaces allows us to mix language elements from multiple vocabularies, such as SVG and XHTML, by adding namespace prefixes. It also allows us to define schemas with XML Schema, because by using namespace prefixes we can separate XML Schema tags and our own element names.

Namespace identifiers must be globally unique - usually a URI is used for that purpose. Defining a namespace within an XML document is simple: a document node is given an xmlns attribute to define the default namespace. Similarly, additional namespaces can be introduced by defining namespace prefixes using namespace declaration attributes of the form xmlns:prefix=URI. The scope of such a definition is the node where it is defined plus all child nodes (child elements and attributes), unless a child element overrides it with another namespace declaration. So, if we declare namespaces in a document's root element, their scope is usually the whole document.

The most important difference between TSD4 andTSD3 is that TSD4 supports XML Namespaces. This section explains why and how you should use namespaces.

TSD3 and TSD4 make use of that separation feature to differentiate between XML Schema parts that are marked with the xs: prefix, and the Tamino-specific extensions that are marked with the tsd: prefix.

The name of an element or attribute is called "qualified" if it contains a prefix and is within the scope of a corresponding namespace declaration. In addition, only elements without a prefix are affected by the default namespace declaration. The lexical (or pseudo) QName - an abbreviation of qualified name - is just the name string prefix:localname. The prefix including the colon is optional. See XML Schema, Part 2. The expanded (or standard) QName is the associated "tuple" (URI, local name) derived from the QName and the namespace declaration for the prefix. For an unqualified name, the URI part of this "tuple" is empty.

What are QNames?

Let us start with a definition of the terms for QNames (qualified names):

[expanded or standard] QName:

An expanded QName or standard QName is a tuple (URI,localName) which may also be derived from a string prefix:localName in conjunction with a namespace declaration like xmlns:prefix=URI or a namespace context (see below).

For unqualified elements or attributes the URI may be empty.

[pseudo or lexical] QName:

A pseudo QName or lexical QName is a string prefix:localName without a namespace context or declaration . The prefix may be empty.

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