The Tamino Manager monitors all jobs that you start. You can use the Job Monitor to display information from the following categories:
Jobs in this category have unconfirmed alerts. Each job in this category is also listed in one of the other categories (running, completed, suspended jobs). The Pending Alerts category allows you quick access to potential problems without the need to search through all other categories. You can acknowledge all alerts in one action or acknowledge each alerted job separately, when you display the information about it.
These are alerts that were produced while jobs were processing and which have not been acknowledged yet. You can acknowledge the alerts when you display the information about them.
These are jobs that are currently being processed.
These are jobs that have finished processing, even if they produced alerts (in this case, the jobs are displayed in both the Pending Alerts and the Completed Jobs).
These are jobs that have been suspended.
This section contains information about the following:
The following information is displayed for each job:
The job status. This is represented by one of the following icons:
Icon | Job status |
job running | |
job completed | |
job suspended |
The count of warnings (), errors () and fatal errors () that occurred while the job was running.
Messages produced during the job, listed in chronological order. Each message is accompanied by its severity, message ID, message text and the data and time it was produced. Clicking on a message ID additionally displays the full text of the message, together with an explanation and a user action, in a separate browser window.
To display job monitor information
Expand the root
object.Expand the
object under the root object.Select the job type you want. The relevant jobs are displayed together with their names.
For detailed information about a specific job, expand the job type object, and select the job for which you want to display the detailed monitor information.
Once you have selected a specific job from an object, you can also display a list of related jobs. The information displayed in the list includes a description of the job together with the job status, starting and ending times and any alerts that may have been issued. It is also possible to display detailed information about specific jobs contained in this list of related jobs.
To show related jobs
Select a job from the expanded job type object and choose Show Related Jobs - Query dialog box appears:
from the context menu. TheSelect a relation criterion from the list box and choose
. The list of related jobs is displayed.Choose
to display detailed information about a job in the resulting list of related jobs.The object
is a list of the jobs that contain alerts waiting to be acknowledged. They can be acknowledged when the list is displayed. You can either confirm all of the pending alerts in all of the jobs in the list, or confirm the alerts in individual jobs.To confirm pending alerts
Expand the
and choose . This confirms all pending alerts in all jobs.Or:
Select a job from the list of pending alerts and
choose . This confirms all
of the alerts in the selected job and then deletes it from the list.
In order to prevent the job log from becoming too large, the Tamino Manager provides you with functions to delete job records. Job records that contain unconfirmed alerts and running jobs cannot be deleted. There are two ways in which a job record can be deleted:
Tamino deletes it automatically, based on the status and age of the job record.
The DBA deletes it
To delete a job record manually
Expand the
and select .Choose
to delete all of the job records.Expand the
object, select the job you want to delete and choose .To configure automatic deletion of a job record
Expand the
object (located under the object that represents your host machine).Select the
object, and from the context menu choose .Change the time interval for the message cleanup as required.
.The default interval for automatic deletion of job records is as follows:
The record of a job that only contains informational messages is deleted after 30 days.
The record of a job that contains confirmed warnings is deleted after 30 days.
The record of a job that contains confirmed errors is deleted after 30 days.
The record of a job that contains confirmed fatal errors is deleted after 30 days.