Tamino XML Server Version 9.7
 —  Tamino Manager User Documentation  —

ARGBATCH - The System Management Hub Batch Interface

The System Management Hub supports a batch interface called ARGBATCH, which can be used to create and run Tamino-specific routine jobs, for example to create databases and back them up at regular intervals. In the following, you will find a short introduction to the command line interface to get you started:


On Windows, the argbatch command line interface can be started as follows:

Start of instruction setTo start argbatch

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.

  2. Set the working directory to the location of the argbatch.exe executable, for example:

    cd  C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\bin
  3. Start the argbatch.exe executable.

On UNIX, run the shell script sagenv.new. It is located in the Tamino installation directory. In the Bourne Shell, enter the following command:

. <installation directory>/sagenv.new

where <installation directory> is the root directory of the Tamino installation.

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Argbatch Documentation

The batch interface offers online help that is displayed automatically when you start the executable. Please refer also to the description of the batch interface in the documentation set of the System Management Hub for further information. The documentation is available under the installation directory of the System Management Hub, for example C:\Program Files\Software AG\System Management Hub\documentation\en\overview.htm.

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Setting the Environment

Most of the argbatch commands require that you provide your username and password. To avoid typing in username and password for each command, it is recommended to first use the set environment command to set your username and password. Settings exceed session lifetime and are valid for the current user until they are overwritten with new values in a new set environment command, or until they are cleaned with the clear environment command.

To set the environment, enter the following:

argbatch set environment user=myusername password=mypassword

Replace myusername and mypassword with your own name and password.

Furthermore, you should also define the product for your argbatch session. It is also possible to set the product version for the argbatch session, but this should be handled with care and only by done exceptionally:

To define the product and - if necessary - the product version, display a list of available products and versions by entering the following two command:

argbatch show products

A list of available products is displayed, among them the product Tamino.

argbatch show versions product=Tamino

All installed versions of Tamino are displayed.

Now set the environment to the product Tamino and the version you are using, e.g. version 8.1.1:

argbatch set environment product=Tamino version=8.1.1

Alternatively, you can also use the environment variables ARGBATCH_USER and ARGBATCH_PASSWORD to specify your username and password. If these two environment variables have been defined, their values will be taken. Specifying user and password directly as parameters in the batch command will override these values.

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Command Example

To display a list of available Tamino argbatch commands, use argbatch show commands. If you have set the environment as described in section Setting the Environment, a list of all commands that are available for the installed Tamino version is displayed.

If, for example, you want to stop a database with an argbatch command, use the command argbatch show databases to display a list of databases that are currently defined in Tamino. Then use stop database in the following way to stop one of the databases:

argbatch stop database database=mydatabase

where mydatabase is the name of the database you want to stop. If you need detailed information on the stop database command, enter argbatch stop database helplong. (The parameter helplong shows detailed information, whereas the parameter help only gives the parameter options.)

Note that list parameters for argbatch commands must be given in the right sequence. For details, see the argbatch online help.

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List of Available Commands

The following argbatch commands are available for Tamino. Use argbatch commandname helplong to display detailed online information about how to use the command:

The order of available parameters for the commands is not arbitrary. Refer to the online help of the individual commands for additional information.

clear environment
set environment
show environment
show commands
show products
show requests
show versions
show targetnodes
add commonadmin
confirm alertedjobs
confirm job
delete commonadmin
delete completedjobs
delete job
show alerts
show commonadmin
show commonadmins
show completedjobs
show job
show jobs
show runningjobs
show suspendedjobs
add ace
add administrator
add databasespace
add location
add replication
add webserver
assign webserver
backup database
check database
create acl
create database
create dbfrombackup
create domain
create group
create user
delete acl
delete administrator
delete backup
delete database
delete databasespace
delete domain
delete group
delete location
delete user
delete webserver
delete webserverassignment
expand databasespace
get replicationlist
install extension
list acls
list groups
list users
modify acl
modify domain
modify executionmode
modify externalname
modify group
modify journalspace
modify locationsettings
modify parameter
modify privatepath
modify property
modify publicpath
modify user
modify webserver
move databasespace
move location
prepare cddatabase
register cddatabase
remove replication
rename database
rename location
rename webserver
reset replication
restore database
set databaseversion
set defaultbackuplocation
set defaultlocation
set portrange
set replication
show acesofacl
show acls
show aclsofgroup
show administrators
show backupfiles
show backups
show backupstructure
show databases
show databasespaces
show databasestatus
show descriptionofuser
show detailsofdomain
show domains
show extensiondetails
show extensions
show extensiontracestate
show groups
show groupsofacl
show groupsofuser
show information
show locations
show locationsettings
show permissionsofacl
show properties
show publicpath
show taminoversions
show users
show usersofgroup
show versioninformation
show webservers
start database
stop database
stop requests
switch extensiontraceoff
switch extensiontraceon
switch logspace
uninstall extension
unregister cddatabase

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