HTTP Client API for JScript Version 9.7
 —  HTTP Client API for JScript  —

Component Profile and Installation

This document provides information about the contents of this Tamino component and the installation.

Component Profile

Here you will find general information about the API and how to use it.

The Tamino HTTP Client API for JScript is installed with the Tamino XML Server installation.

Tamino Component Profile for the HTTP Client API for JScript

Supported Platforms

All Windows platforms that support Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Location of Installed Component

<TaminoInstallDir>\SDK\JScriptAPI (henceforth called <JScriptAPIDir>)

Component Files

API JScript file: <JScriptAPIDir>\TaminoLib.js



Sample Schema


Sample Data


Start of instruction setTo work with the HTTP Client API for JScript

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Auto-Detect of MSXML3/4

The controls attempt to auto-detect the latest MSXML parser - first MSXML4 and then MSXML3. This behavior can be overridden. Use the method UseServerHTTP for the ActiveX controls. Use the SYSTEM environment variable SAG_NODELEVELUPDATE_MSXML (MSXML3/MSXML4) for NodeLevelUpdate. It is recommended to use MSXML3 with NodeLevelUpdate

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