Tamino XML Server Version 9.7
 —  Tamino Reporting  —

Deploying the Tamino Reporting Runtime Engine

Eclipse and BIRT are necessary parts of the software that creates Tamino reports, and you can use the integrated preview facility at any time in order to view your report. However, it may be desirable to view reports in environments where Eclipse and BIRT are not available. Tamino provides an enhanced BIRT runtime engine that allows you to do this. The Tamino Reporting runtime engine is a web application, in other words a WAR (web archive) file that is deployed under an application server, for example Tomcat. Tamino includes a version of the BIRT report engine that is aware of the additional parameter URL. This software is named TaminoReportEngine.

To run Tamino reports outside of Eclipse, copy the file TaminoReportEngine.war from the folder $INODIR\$INOVERS\Files into the Software AG Common Tomcat folder webapps. Stop and restart Tomcat in order to unpack the WAR file and create a new folder named TaminoReportEngine.

Having prepared the runtime environment (application server) by deploying the Tamino Reporting Runtime Engine, you can now run reports on that application server. The next step is to deploy the report to the prepared application server, as described in the next document.

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