Version 9.5 SP1
 —  XQuery 4 Reference Guide  —

Syntax Constructs in Alphabetical Order

Tamino XQuery Syntax Construct W3C XQuery Expression Short Description
AbbreviatedStep AbbreviatedForwardStep, AbbreviatedReverseStep select context, parent, or attribute node using abbreviated syntax
AbsolutePathExpr subsumed in PathExpr select nodes on the absolute path
AdditiveExpr AdditiveExpr add or subtract numerical values
AndExpr AndExpr check if both of two expressions are logically true
AnyKindTest AnyKindTest check for any kind of node
AttributeList AttributeList create a list of attributes
AttributeTest AttributeTest (Draft of October 29, 2004) check for attribute nodes
AttributeValue AttributeValue define value of an attribute in construction
AttributeValueContent AttributeValueContent define value content of an attribute in construction
Axis ForwardAxis, ReverseAxis direction of movement on a path
AxisStep ForwardStep, ReverseStep create and possibly filter a sequence of nodes
CommentTest CommentTest check for comment nodes
CompCommentConstructor CompCommentConstructor (Draft of October 29, 2004) construct an XML comment by computing an expression
CompExpr CompExpr (Draft of October 29, 2004) comparison expression
CompPIConstructor CompPIConstructor (Draft of October 29, 2004) construct a processing instruction by computing an expression
CompTextConstructor CompTextConstructor (Draft of October 29, 2004) construct a text node by computing an expression
ComputedAttributeConstructor ComputedAttributeConstructor construct an attribute by computing an expression
ComputedDocumentConstructor CompDocConstructor construct a document by computing an expression
ComputedElementConstructor ComputedElementConstructor construct an element by computing an expression
Constructor Constructor constructor expression
DefaultCollationDecl DefaultCollationDecl (Draft of November 12, 2003) declare a default collation
DefaultNamespaceDecl DefaultNamespaceDecl (Draft of November 12, 2003) declare a default (function) namespace
DeleteClause delete a node sequence
DirectCommentConstructor DirCommentConstructor (Draft of October 29, 2004) construct an XML comment
ElementConstructor ElementConstructor construct an XML element
ElementContent ElementContent define content of an element in construction
ElementNameOrFunctionCall FunctionCall represent an element or call a function
ElementTest ElementTest (Draft of October 29, 2004) check for element nodes
EnclosedExpr EnclosedExpr evaluate a sequence of expressions
Expr Expr basic XQuery expression
ExprSequence ExprSequence construct a sequence of expressions
FLWORExpr FLWORExpr (Draft of October 29, 2004) iterate over sequences of items
FLWUExpr perform one or more update operations
ForClause ForClause bind variables by evaluating expressions
FunctionDecl FunctionDecl (Draft of October 29, 2004) declare a user-defined function
GeneralComp GeneralComp compare sequences
GeneralStep subsumed in StepExpr create and possibly filter item sequence
IfExpr IfExpr (Draft of October 29, 2004) conditional expression based on if, then, and else
InsertClause insert a node sequence at update position
IntersectExceptExpr IntersectExceptExpr combine node sequences
ItemType ItemType (Draft of October 29, 2004) specify the type of an item
KindTest KindTest check the kind of node
LetClause LetClause bind variables by evaluating expressions
LibraryModule LibraryModule (Draft of October 29, 2004) provide XQuery fragment to other modules
Literal Literal numeric or string literal
MainModule MainModule (Draft of October 29, 2004) obligatory XQuery module with query body
ModuleDecl ModuleDecl (Draft of October 29, 2004) identify library module
ModuleImport ModuleImport (Draft of October 29, 2004) import one or more library modules
MultiplicativeExpr MultiplicativeExpr multiply or divide numerical value
NamespaceDecl NamespaceDecl (Draft of November 12, 2003) declare a namespace
NameTest NameTest select nodes by name or wildcard
NoAxisStep create and possibly filter node sequence on current axis
NodeComp NodeComp (Draft of October 29, 2004) compare two nodes
NodeTest NodeTest check if nodes satisfy conditions on the kind or name
NumericLiteral NumericLiteral numeric literal
OrderByClause OrderByClause (Draft of October 29, 2004) order intermediate results
OrExpr OrExpr check if one or both of two expression are logically true
ParenthesizedExpr ParenthesizedExpr expression sequence enclosed in parentheses
PathExpr PathExpr select nodes on a path
Pragma Pragma (Draft of October 29, 2004) query processor directive
PrimaryExpr PrimaryExpr basic XQuery primitive
ProcessingInstructionTest ProcessingInstructionTest check for processing instruction nodes
Prolog Prolog (Draft of October 29, 2004) create environment for query processing
RangeExpr RangeExpr construct a sequence of consecutive integers
RelativePathExpr RelativePathExpr select nodes on the relative path
RenameClause rename the nodes of a node sequence
ReplaceClause replace a node
SequenceType SequenceType (Draft of October 29, 2004) specify the type of an XQuery value
SerializationSpec XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization (Draft of November 12, 2003) specify serialization of query output
SortExpr SortExpr sort a sequence of items
SortSpecList SortSpecList, SortModifier define ordering expression and sort direction
StepExpr StepExpr create and possibly filter a sequence of items
StepQualifiers Predicates restrict item sequence to those matching one or more predicates
TaminoQPIExecution determine parameters of query execution
TaminoQPIExplain retrieve query execution plan
TaminoQPIInline use default inlining strategy for user-defined functions
TaminoQPIOptimization choose query optimization strategy
TextTest TextTest check for text nodes
TreatExpr TreatExpr (Draft of October 29, 2004) modify static type of operand
UnaryExpr UnaryExpr negate numerical value of an expression
UnionExpr UnionExpr combine node sequences
UpdateExpr update expression
UpdateIfExpr conditional update expression
UpdateSequence sequence of update expressions
UpdatingFunction updating function invocation
UpdatingFunctionDecl declaration of an updating function
ValueComp ValueComp compare single values
VarDecl VarDecl (Draft of October 29, 2004) declare a variable in query prolog
VersionDecl specifies the version of the XQuery language — reserved for future use
WhereClause WhereClause filter intermediate results
Wildcard Wildcard select nodes matching the principal node kind
XmlProcessingInstruction DirPIConstructor construct an XML processing instruction
XQueryModule Module (Draft of October 29, 2004) top-level XQuery syntax construct

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