Version 9.5 SP1
 —  XQuery User Guide  —

Sample bib

This doctype describes a simple bibliography.

This is the sample data:

  <book year="1994">
    <title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title>
  <book year="1992">
    <title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title>
  <book year="2000">
    <title>Data on the Web</title>
    <publisher>Morgan Kaufmann Publishers</publisher>
  <book year="1999">
    <title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>
    <publisher>Kluwer Academic Publishers</publisher>

Below you see the Schema Editor representation of this doctype on the left and the document type definition on the right.


<!ELEMENT bib          (book* )>
<!ELEMENT book         (title,  (author+ | editor+ ), publisher, price )>
<!ATTLIST book
   year                CDATA  #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT author       (last, first )>
<!ELEMENT editor       (last, first, affiliation )>
<!ELEMENT title        (#PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT last         (#PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT first        (#PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT affiliation  (#PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT publisher    (#PCDATA )>
<!ELEMENT price        (#PCDATA )>

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