Tamino X-Plorer Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Tamino X-Plorer  —

Predefined External Tools

After installation, several external tools are predefined in the Customize dialog box. See Customizing the Tools for information on this dialog box.

This document covers the following topics:

Predefined Values

The tables below list the predefined external tools. The command line information is automatically available in the Customize dialog box, if the corresponding external tool has been found on your system. If an external tool could not be found, you have to specify the command line information yourself. If you do not need an entry for an external tool, you can safely delete it.

The entries "My Instance Editor" and "My Schema Editor" are provided for your convenience. You can either delete them or specify any external tool you have installed.

Image files for the icons below are available in the folder "X_Plorer\icons" which is created during installation.


  1. Invoking an external tool with the URL of an instance (using the argument $URL$) is not possible for some external tools. This depends on the external tool.
  2. Invoking an external tool with the file path to access the copy of a document in the file system (using the argument $FILE_PATH$) is only possible for a document that does not contain a namespace prefix in its name (a value for the attribute ino:docname that is not equal to the pattern xxx:yyy). If you want to use an external tool to view or edit a document with a namespace prefix, you have to save the document in the file system with a valid name and use the Open command of the external tool.
  3. When using a file path argument containing blanks, the file path must be enclosed in double quotes (use "$FILE_PATH$" instead of $FILE_PATH$).

Installed Tools

Command line information is added for the following tools, if the tool is already installed:

Icon Tamino Schema Editor
Icon SoftwareAGTaminoSchemaEditor.gif
Applies to Schemas
Command line Path to your Tamino Schema Editor (inoschema.cmd for Windows and inoschema.sh for UNIX)
Arguments -tamino -url $URL$ -usr $USER$ -pwd $PASSWORD$
Invoke with Open (File menu) or double-click
Additional information If you invoke the Tamino Schema Editor with the above argument string, it is required that you specify a user ID and a password when connecting to a database using the Tamino X-Plorer. If authentication is not required for your database, use the following argument string instead (i.e. omit the arguments for user ID and password):
-tamino -url $URL$
Icon Tamino X-Tension Builder
Icon SoftwareAGTaminoXTensionBuilder.gif
Applies to No specific type of object
Command line Path to your Tamino X-Tension Builder (inosxbuilder.cmd for Windows and inosxbuilder.sh for UNIX)
Arguments None
Invoke with Corresponding command in Tools menu

Installed Tools which Depend on an Internet Browser

Command line information is added for the following tools, if the tool is already installed and if an Internet browser has been found:

Icon Tamino Interactive Interface
Icon SoftwareAGTaminoInteractiveInterface.gif
Applies to No specific type of object
Command line Path to your Internet browser
Arguments Path to your Tamino Interactive Interface (xql.htm)
Invoke with Corresponding command in Tools menu
Icon Tamino Manager
Icon SoftwareAGTaminoManager.gif
Applies to No specific type of object
Command line Path to your Internet browser
Arguments http://localhost:9991/smh/login.htm
Invoke with Corresponding command in Tools menu
Icon Internet Browser
Icon InternetBrowser.gif
Applies to Non-XML instances (html, gif, jpg, pdf)
Command line Path to your Internet browser
Arguments $FILE_PATH$
Invoke with Open With (context menu)

Tools Without Command Line Information

Command line information is not added for the following tools:

Icon My Instance Editor
Icon MyInstanceEditor.gif
Applies to Instances
Command line Path to your instance editor
Arguments $FILE_PATH$
Invoke with Open With (context menu)
Icon My Schema Editor
Icon MySchemaEditor.gif
Applies to Schemas
Command line Path to your schema editor
Arguments $FILE_PATH$
Invoke with Open With (context menu)

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Media Types for Non-XML Instances

When defining external tools for non-XML instances in the Customize dialog box, you have to specify media types and extensions. The following table lists frequently used items.

Media Type Extension(s)
application/msword doc
application/pdf pdf
application/xml xml
image/gif gif
image/jpeg jpg, jpeg
text/html htm, html
text/plain txt
text/xml xml
application/pdf pdf
application/xml xml
image/gif gif
image/jpeg jpg, jpeg
text/html htm, html
text/plain txt
text/xml xml
application/postscript ai
audio/x-aiff aif
audio/x-aiff aifc
audio/x-aiff aiff
text/plain asc
audio/basic au
video/x-msvideo avi
video/x-msvideo avx
application/x-bcpio bcpio
application/octet-stream bin
image/x-bmp bmp
application/x-netcdf cdf
application/octet-stream class
application/x-cpio cpio
application/mac-compactpro cpt
application/x-csh csh
text/css css
application/x-director dcr
application/x-director dir
video/x-dl dl
application/octet-stream dll
application/octet-stream dms
application/x-dvi dvi
application/x-director dxr
application/postscript eps
text/x-setext etx
application/octet-stream exe
application/andrew-inset ez
video/x-fli flc
video/x-fli fli
image/gif gif
application/x-gtar gtar
application/x-gzip gz
application/x-hdf hdf
application/mac-binhex40 hqx
text/html htm
text/html html
x-conference/x-cooltalk ice
image/x-ico ico
image/ief ief
model/iges iges
model/iges igs
image/jpeg jpe
image/jpeg jpeg
image/jpeg jpg
application/x-javascript js
application/x-latex latex
application/octet-stream lha
application/octet-stream lzh
audio/x-mpegurl m3u
application/x-troff-man man
application/x-troff-me me
model/mesh mesh
audio/midi mid
audio/midi midi
video/quicktime mov
video/x-sgi-movie movie
audio/mpeg mp2
audio/mpeg mp3
video/mpeg mpe
video/mpeg mpeg
video/mpeg mpg
audio/mpeg mpga
application/x-troff-ms ms
model/mesh msh
video/x-sgi-movie mv
video/vnd.mpegurl mxu
application/x-netcdf nc
application/oda oda
image/x-portable-bitmap pbm
chemical/x-pdb pdb
application/pdf pdf
image/x-portable-graymap pgm
application/x-chess-pgn pgn
image/png png
image/x-portable-anymap pnm
image/x-portable-pixmap ppm
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ppt
application/postscript ps
video/quicktime qt
audio/x-realaudio ra
audio/x-pn-realaudio ram
image/x-cmu-raster ras
image/x-rgb rgb
audio/x-pn-realaudio rm
application/x-troff roff
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin rpm
text/rtf rtf
text/richtext rtx
text/sgml sgm
text/sgml sgml
application/x-sh sh
application/x-shar shar
model/mesh silo
application/x-stuffit sit
application/x-koan skd
application/x-koan skm
application/x-koan skp
application/x-koan skt
audio/basic snd
application/octet-stream so
application/x-futuresplash spl
application/x-wais-source src
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template stc
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template std
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template sti
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template stw
application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio
application/x-sv4crc sv4crc
application/x-shockwave-flash swf
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc sxc
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw sxd
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global sxg
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress sxi
application/vnd.sun.xml.math sxm
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer sxw
application/x-troff t
application/x-tar tar
application/x-tcl tcl
application/x-tex tex
application/x-texinfo texi
application/x-texinfo texinfo
application/x-gzip tgz
image/tiff tif
image/tiff tiff
application/x-troff tr
text/tab-separated-values tsv
text/plain txt
application/x-ustar ustar
application/x-cdlink vcd
video/x-msvideo vfw
model/vrml vrml
audio/x-wav wav
image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp
application/vnd.wap.wbxml wbxml
text/vnd.wap.wml wml
application/vnd.wap.wmlc wmlc
text/vnd.wap.wmlscript wmls
application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlsc
application/wordperfect5.1 wp
model/vrml wrl
image/x-xbitmap xbm
application/vnd.ms-excel xls
text/xml xml
image/x-xpixmap xpm
text/xml xsl
image/x-xwindowdump xwd
chemical/x-xyz xyz
application/zip zip
text/xml svg

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