Version 9.5 SP1

Unicode and Text Retrieval

This document describes various aspects of Tamino's text retrieval capabilities and how you, as an administrator, can customize the word recognition process. This has implications for query expressions that use full-text capabilities. In XQuery, this affects text retrieval functions such as tf:containsText or tf:createNearTextReference; in X-Query, it affects the contains operator ~=.

You can customize word recognition only when using the default (white space-separated) tokenizer. The tokenizer for Japanese cannot be customized.

The representation of characters stored in Tamino is based on the Unicode standard. Unicode is more than a simple character code such as ASCII, ISO 646 or the ISO 8859 series, since it defines for each character not only its code position, but also a number of other characteristics, such as character class, bidirectionality, decomposability, etc. In Unicode, a character can also have a mapping defined for lower case, upper case, and title case. For example, the character LATIN CAPITAL U WITH DIAERESIS, which is "Ü", is treated as "ü" in lower case, and can be decomposed into "u" and the diaeresis sign. This, among other criteria, is used for determining character equivalence, which is important for comparison operations.

A Tamino user might expect "Ü" in German data to be treated as "ue", so that the query expression /patient[name ~= "mueller"] would return all name elements that contain a word "Müller", "Mueller" or "mueller", but not "Muller". This behavior is not necessarily desired by all users. Others might expect "Ü" to be treated as its base character "U", so the query above would yield a different result set. In Tamino, for each character a replacement character is defined, which is used when performing text retrieval using the contains operator. You can therefore model either of the aforementioned behaviors by changing the default replacement character for each defined character.

The character class is another important piece of information in the definition of a Unicode character. In Unicode, this is the "general category" that determines whether a character is, for example, a left-to-right character, a right-to-left character, a number, or punctuation mark, to name only a few. In Tamino, the character class also controls word separation. The XQuery functions tf:containsText and friends as well as the contains operator ~= in X-Query operate on words and rely on the character class definition.

The following sections explain how the above is defined in Tamino, and how you can customize the default behavior.

The Unicode Character Database

The Unicode Character Database (UCD), as defined by the Unicode Consortium, is the basis for representing and handling characters in Tamino. The UCD is briefly introduced and its mapping onto Tamino's default character table is explained.

Structure of the UCD Data

Since the default character base in Tamino uses the Unicode character database, it makes sense to have a look at the properties that are stored with each character. A record in this database consists of:

Field Name Example Description
Code Value U+00FC The code value that uniquely identifies a character in Unicode
Character Name LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS The reference name of the character
General Category Ll The character class
Canonical Combining Classes   Used for canonical ordering algorithm
BIDI Category L Determines role in bidirectional text
Character Decomposition Mapping 0075 0308 Maximal decomposition of combined characters; first value is base character
Decimal Digit Value 3 for U+0033 Decimal value of a digit
Digit Value 4 for U+2074 (superscript four) Value of a digit, not necessarily decimal
Numeric Value 1/5 for the fraction U+2155 Character with numeric property
Mirrored Y for "[" Boolean; if true, the character will be mirrored in text that is laid out from right to left
Unicode 1.0 Name   Informative field for old 1.0 name
10646 Comment Field   Informative field for name in ISO 10646
Uppercase Mapping U+00DC ("Ü") for U+00FC ("ü") Upper case equivalent
Lowercase Mapping U+00FC ("ü") for U+00DC ("Ü") Lower case equivalent
Titlecase Mapping U+01F2 ("Dz") for U+01F3 ("dz") Title case equivalent

For a detailed explanation, please refer to the Unicode documentation, which is available at You can also find the Unicode Character Database itself here.

Mapping of the UCD to Tamino

In Tamino, the following fields in the UCD are relevant:

Code Value
General Category
Character Decomposition Mapping
Uppercase Mapping

In addition to the identifying code value, the general category is important in Tamino. It defines the character class, which also determine a character's behavior in comparison operations and text retrieval. The following character classes are defined:


This is sufficient for text retrieval purposes. However, the Unicode standard defines 30 general categories. They are mapped to Tamino's internal schema as follows:

General Categories Description Character Class in Tamino
Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nd, Nl, No, Sm, Sc, Sk, So Letters (Lx), Numbers (Nx) and Symbols (Sx) character
Mn, Mc, Me, Pc, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Po, Zs, Zl, Zp, Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, Cn Mark (Mx), Punctuation (Px), Separator (Zx) and Others (Cx) delimiter

This also means that the Tamino character classes embedded, ignored, number and single are initially not used, since they do not have an equivalent in the UCD. The information is stored as a non-XML document in the doctype ino:unicode of the system collection ino:vocabulary. You can access it using the following URI: http://<server>/<database>/ino:vocabulary/ino:unicode/@1. See the section Implications Concerning Text Retrieval for information about these Tamino character classes.

Tamino XML Server supports customization of properties only for the BMP (basic multilingual plane), i.e. the characters U+0000 to U+FFFF.

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Representation and Handling of Characters

As described in the previous section, Tamino uses the UCD as the basis for its built-in character database. You cannot alter this database, but you can create a modified version on the level of a Tamino database using the schema element ino:transliteration. Tamino itself has defined such a transliteration, which is used to determine the default character handling. You can override the default handling by defining your own transliteration.

The schema element ino:transliteration is introduced along with the default transliteration.


Tamino uses the Unicode database for its own character mapping system. This information forms part of the schema element transliteration in the Tamino namespace that is prefixed by ino. It has the following structure:


The element ino:translation can have several attributes and contains a sequence of ino:character elements with the basic information for any Unicode character. The required attributes of ino:character define for each contained character a replacement to be used in text retrieval operations.

Note the following attributes of ino:translation:

  1. ino:baseChar (required)
    It is of the XML Schema type boolean so "true" and "false" are the only allowed values.


    Each character is replaced by its base character, which is the first character of the Unicode property "Character Decomposition Mapping".

    Example: The Unicode character U+00E9 ("é") is replaced by "e", since the character decomposition mapping field is 0065 0301. These code values represent the LATIN SMALL LETTER E and the COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT.


    All characters are left unchanged.

  2. ino:translation (required)
    It is of the XML Schema type boolean, so "true" and "false" are the only allowed values.


    Each character is replaced by its uppercase equivalent, which is the value of the Unicode property "Uppercase Mapping".

    Example: The Unicode character U+00E9 ("é") is replaced by "É", since the uppercase mapping field is 00C9. This code value represents the LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE.


    All characters are left unchanged.

  3. ino:comment (optional)
    A comment describing the transliteration as a whole.

If both attributes ino:baseChar and ino:translation are set to "true", then the replacement defined by ino:baseChar is performed first. For example, the character "é" is replaced by "E", because "é" is replaced by its base character "e", which in turn is replaced by its uppercase equivalent "E".

The element ino:character defines the properties for a single character. It has no contents. The information is contained in its attributes:

ino:value (required)

The code value; this corresponds to the code value in the Unicode database. You can use any notation allowed in XML such as:

ino:class (required)

The character class as defined for Tamino; this is one of character, delimiter, embedded, ignore, number, or single; it determines how this character behaves when performing text retrieval. Initially, the Unicode character property "General Category" is mapped to the class attribute.

ino:mapTo (optional)

The code values of a character or sequence of characters that replaces the value when performing text retrieval. Again, you can use any XML-conformant notation. Initially, the Unicode character property "Uppercase Mapping" is used.

Please note that you override the global settings ino:baseChar and ino:translation if you use ino:mapTo.

ino:comment (optional)

A comment to describe the definition of this single character. Initially, this attribute is empty.

The Default Transliteration

The following default transliteration is defined on top of the initial built-in character set:

<ino:transliteration ino:baseChar="true" ino:translation="true">
  <ino:character ino:value="&amp;" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="/" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="_" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="@" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="*" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value=":" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="." ino:class="embedded" />
  <ino:character ino:value="-" ino:class="ignore" />
  <ino:character ino:value="=" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="&lt;" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="&gt;" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="~" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="ä" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="AE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="Ä" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="AE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="ö" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="OE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="Ö" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="OE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="ü" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="UE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="Ü" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="UE" />
  <ino:character ino:value="ß" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="SS" />

This transliteration is used when no other user-defined transliteration has been defined for the current database. It is stored in the doctype ino:transliteration of the system collection ino:vocabulary. You can retrieve this information from a running database by querying ino:transliteration against the collection ino:vocabulary. The result document from Tamino looks like the one shown above with one difference:

<ino:transliteration ino:id="1" ino:docname="default" ino:baseChar="true" ino:translation="true">

For a given database, only one transliteration can be active at a time. The currently active transliteration carries the ino:id 1.

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Implications Concerning Text Retrieval

A transliteration has implications for the way text retrieval operations are performed. The class definition of a character determines whether it is recognized as part of a word, as a single word, as a delimiter, or is ignored. The following list contains information for each character class:


This character is always recognized as part of a word. It must be a non-numeric character.


This character delimits a word; this also means that it is never part of a word. For example, the character sequence "a b" is treated as two adjacent words "a" and "b", since the space character is defined as a delimiter.

You cannot search for this character.


It depends on the position: This character is ignored at the beginning and end of a word, but is otherwise recognized as part of a word if it is surrounded by two characters of the same class. For example, the character sequence ".a.b." is replaced by "a.b".


This character is always ignored. For example, "a-b" is replaced by "ab".

You cannot search for this character.


This character is always recognized as a digit and is part of a number, but not part of a word. It must be a numeric character.


This character is treated as a word by itself. It effectively also separates words. For example, "a&b" is replaced by the three adjacent words "a", "&" and "b".

Word-Separating Characters

From the UCD and the defined transliteration, you can determine the characters that separate words from each other. Since all punctuation characters, separators, marks and those classified in the UCD as "Other" are mapped to the Tamino character class delimiter, there are 1,128 characters that act as delimiters in a text retrieval operation. Instead of listing all of them, we show in the following table the delimiting characters of the two character blocks "Basic Latin" (character range U+0000 to U+007F) and "Latin-1 Supplement" (character range U+0080 to U+00FF):

Code Value(s) Character
0000 - 001F ASCII control codes
0020 SPACE
0021 - 002A ! " # $ % & ' ( ) *
002C - 002F , - . /
003A - 003B : ;
003F - 0040 ? @
005B - 005D [ \ ]
005F _
007B {
007D }
0080 - 00A0 control codes
00A1 ¡
00AB «
00AD - (soft hyphen)
00B7 ·
00BB »
00BF ¿

In a default environment, you have to take the default transliteration into account so that &, /, _, @, *, and : are treated as characters, while <, >, = and ~ are additionally treated as delimiters. In addition, . is treated as an embedded character and - belongs to the character class ignore.

For a running database, you can query the collection ino:vocabulary to retrieve the current list of delimiters:

Furthermore, there is the server parameter "markup as delimiter" that specifies how markup is treated. By default, markup is not treated as word delimiter.

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Customizing Transliterations

You can use ino:transliteration to define your own transliteration, which is then used instead of the default transliteration described in the previous section. After definition, you can use the Tamino Interactive Interface to process this transliteration. The default transliteration implements the character handling used in German telephone books by mapping the umlaut characters. An example demonstrates how to customize this translation and define it in Tamino.

Defining a Custom Transliteration in Tamino

There are two ways of activating a new transliteration in a Tamino database. You can either write an external transliteration document that conforms to the ino:transliteration schema introduced above and load it into Tamino, or you can directly use an XQuery expression.

Start of instruction setTo Override the Default Transliteration Using External Documents

Make sure that the Tamino database server is running.

  1. In the Tamino Interactive Interface, choose the tab Load.

  2. In the input field Database URL, enter the name of the Tamino database.

  3. In the Into collection input field, enter "ino:vocabulary/ino:transliteration/default" to overwrite the default transliteration.

  4. Use the Browse button right to the input field Load file button to locate the document with the custom transliteration.

  5. Choose the Load button. Tamino overwrites its default transliteration. You get a response document similar to the following:


  6. In the Tamino Manager, restart the database server so that the changes take effect.

The attribute ino:docname specifies the transliteration that is active for the current Tamino database. Only the transliteration that has the attribute element ino:docname="default" is used by Tamino. Therefore you must store any custom transliteration into the doctype ino:transliteration/default.

You can check your changes by querying ino:transliteration against the collection ino:vocabulary.


Customizations for German

In contrast to the default transliteration, the German umlauts "ä", "ö", "ü" and their uppercase equivalents should be mapped to their respective base characters. However, the sharp s ("ß") should still be mapped to the character sequence "SS". In addition, expressions such as "Laurel&Hardy" should be treated as if they are three words ("Laurel and Hardy") instead of two words separated by a punctuation character (which would result from the Unicode database settings) or a single word "Laurel&Hardy" as specified by the default for Tamino's ino:transliteration.

The following transliteration is therefore required:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <ino:transliteration xmlns:ino=""
    ino:comment="Custom Character Handling"
    ino:baseChar="true" ino:translation="true">
  <ino:character ino:value="&amp;" ino:class="single" ino:comment="read it as 'and'"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="/" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="_" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="@" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="*" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value=":" ino:class="character" />
  <ino:character ino:value="." ino:class="embedded" />
  <ino:character ino:value="-" ino:class="ignore" />
  <ino:character ino:value="=" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="&lt;" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="&gt;" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="~" ino:class="delimiter" />
  <ino:character ino:value="ß" ino:class="character" ino:mapTo="SS" />

Since the mapping to base characters is the Unicode default, there is no need to include extra definitions for the six umlaut characters. The mapping definition for "ß" is not present in the UCD. The ampersand, originally classified as a delimiter, now belongs to the class single so that it is treated as a single word. You could also define it differently so that it really reads as the character sequence "and", as the comment suggests using:

<ino:character ino:value="&amp;" ino:class="single" ino:mapTo="UND" />

Please note that upper case is used here for the value of ino:mapTo so that it is consistent with the behavior specified by the global ino:transliteration. Also note that literal text is suitable only for German data.

If you define this custom transliteration as the default for this Tamino database, you can check this by querying ino:transliteration[@ino:docname="default"] against the collection ino:vocabulary.

Separating Numbers from Words

Normally, a number is regarded as part of a word, i.e. it is part of a word token. Data such as a street address or a serial number is therefore tokenized as follows:

Beutelsendstraße 14b "Beutelsendstraße" "14b"
XPR0746TU#2 "XPR0746TU" "2"

However, in cases like these you may want to separate numbers from words so that instead the data is tokenized as follows:

Beutelsendstraße 14b "Beutelsendstraße" "14" "b"
XPR0746TU#2 "XPR" "0746" "TU" "2"

You can achieve this by assigning all numbers to the character class "number". This has the effect that any successive digit forms part of a number token that you can search for in the same way as a word token: a number token is delimited by any character that belongs to one of the classes "character", "delimiter", or "single". Conversely, a word token is delimited by any character that belongs to one of the classes "number", "delimiter", or "single". The corresponding transliteration is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <ino:transliteration xmlns:ino=""
    ino:comment="Separating Numbers from Words"
    ino:baseChar="true" ino:translation="true">
  <ino:character ino:value="0" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="1" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="2" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="3" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="4" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="5" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="6" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="7" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="8" ino:class="number"/>
  <ino:character ino:value="9" ino:class="number"/>

You can check your changes by querying ino:transliteration against the collection ino:vocabulary:

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User-Defined Dictionaries

The tokenizer for Japanese uses a built-in dictionary for word recognition. In addition, you can supply an optional user-defined dictionary. Entries are added to this dictionary by storing a document with all entries, the current and the new ones, in the collection ino:vocabulary/ino:userDictionary.

This section explains the schema and shows you how to store a dictionary file in Tamino.


The schema element userDictionary in the ino namespace is used to hold user-defined dictionaries for Japanese in Tamino. It has the following structure:


A userDictionary consists of a sequence of entries, along with an optional comment describing the dictionary. The element entry defines a single dictionary entry. It has no contents. The information about a single entry is contained in the following attributes:

ino:word (required)

One or more code values of Han characters for the respective language. This sequence constitutes a "word" that is not segmented by the tokenizer.

ino:pos (optional)

This attribute is reserved for future use.

ino:comment (optional)

A comment to describe the definition of this single dictionary entry.

The attribute ino:docname determines the dictionary to be used. It has the value "udict-jp".

As an example, you store a user-defined dictionary for Japanese in ino:vocabulary/ino:userDictionary/udict-jp.

Defining a User Dictionary in Tamino

There are two steps for storing a user-defined dictionary in a Tamino database. First, you have to write a document that conforms to the ino:userDictionary schema described above. You can find an example below. In a second step, you can load this user dictionary into Tamino.

Start of instruction setTo Store a User Dictionary

Make sure that the Tamino database server is running.

  1. In the Tamino Interactive Interface, enter the URL of the Tamino database in the field Database URL.

  2. In the Collection input field, enter "ino:vocabulary/ino:userDictionary/<dictionary>".

  3. Use the Browse button right to the input field of the Process button to locate the dictionary file.

  4. Choose the Process button. Tamino overwrites the current version of that user dictionary.

  5. In the Tamino Manager, restart the database server so that the changes take effect.

You can check your changes by querying ino:userDictionary against the collection ino:vocabulary.

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