Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Tamino XML Schema Reference Guide  —


This element can be used in different contexts:

  1. In the context of tsd:xTension

    Purpose As a child of tsd:xTension, this element specifies for an XML sub-tree mapped to a Tamino Server Extension the function or method that is to be invoked in the SXS if a node is to be deleted.
    Parent element tsd:xTension
    Child elements None
    Attributes None
    Type xs:string
  2. In the context of tsd:trigger

    Purpose As a child of tsd:trigger, the element can be used to specify additional information for the definition of action triggers.
    Parent element tsd:trigger
    Child elements tsd:parameters
    Attributes name, type
    Type xs:string
    Name Type Description
    type xs:NMTOKEN The type attribute of the tsd:onDelete element can only have the value "action".
    name xs:NCName Can be used, instead of the text value inside the tsd:onDelete element, to specify the name of the server extension function.


See tsd:xTension and tsd:trigger.

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