Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Tamino XML Schema Reference Guide  —


Purpose This element indicates a non-XML doctype. Such a doctype may be indexed. Also, a special shadow document for increasing search speed may be created using tsd:shadowXML. Access options can be defined for a non-XML doctype similarly as for a native doctype using the tsd:accessOptions child element. See the documentation of the respective child elements for more information. Also see the section Storing Non-XML Objects in Tamino of the Tamino XML Schema User Guide.
Parent element tsd:doctype
Child elements

tsd:accessOptions, tsd:index, tsd:noConversion, tsd:shadowXML

The tsd:accessOptions and tsd:index child elements of tsd:nonXML are deprecated.

Attributes None


The following tsd:schemaInfo element defines a doctype BasicNonXml as a non-XML doctype using the tsd:nonXML element:

<tsd:schemaInfo name="BasicNonXml">
  <tsd:collection tsd:name="myBasictestCollection">
    <tsd:doctype tsd:name="BasicNonXml">

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