Tamino API for Java Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Tamino API for Java  —

Get Personal

In this example, we will demonstrate some basic XML document processing.

As data, we provide five XML documents intended to be used with the very simple "person" schema. The document instances contain basic personal information such as last name, first name, and sex. You will find these XML documents along with a Tamino schema definition file in the examples/persons directory of the Tamino documentation.

In order to try out these examples, you will need a running database with the "person" schema defined. Please refer to the Tamino documentation for how to create a Tamino database.

The following use cases are covered in these examples:

Two examples are provided that demonstrate these tasks

Inserting and Querying Documents

The class ProcessPersons performs the following tasks that are typical for an application accessing data stored in a Tamino database:

  1. establish a connection to the existing Tamino database mydb

  2. check the availability of the database connection

  3. obtain a system access method and retrieve some system information

  4. obtain an access method to handle XML data using the Document Object Model (DOM)

  5. read some XML documents from files and insert them into the database

  6. perform queries for all, some, the count of all and the availability of some documents

  7. delete some documents by query and show the remaining documents

  8. delete all documents

  9. close a database connection

It is assumed that a database called mydb has already been created and is running. The necessary data files are stored within the classpath at the same location as the class ProcessPersons and will be read from there. So the examples are ready to run provided that Tamino is installed on the local host.

Running the Example

You need to include the .jar files TaminoAPI4J.jar, JavaTaminoAPIExamples.jar, log4j.jar, xercesImpl.jarand xmlParserAPIs.jar in your class path, all of which are distributed with the Tamino API. Then you can run the Java interpreter:

java com.softwareag.tamino.db.api.examples.person.ProcessPersons
ProcessPersons sample programm
Connecting to Tamino database http://localhost/tamino/mydb, ... server is alive

Here is some systeminformation

The Tamino server hosting http://localhost/tamino/mydb is version
(Server API version: 1.1, Tamino API for Java version:

Insert and query and delete in default collection "ino:etc"

Reading documents from file and insert into database

  Inserted: Atkins, Paul (ino:id="1" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Bloggs, Fred (ino:id="2" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Müller, Andreas (ino:id="3" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Müller, Karla (ino:id="4" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Atkins, Andreas (ino:id="5" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )

The query "person" returns 5 documents, which are:
  Atkins, Paul (ino:id="1" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Bloggs, Fred (ino:id="2" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Müller, Andreas (ino:id="3" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Müller, Karla (ino:id="4" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Atkins, Andreas (ino:id="5" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )

The query "//surname='Atkins'" returns "TRUE"
So list and then delete all "Atkins" documents

The query "person[//surname='Atkins']" returns 2 documents, which are:
  Atkins, Paul (ino:id="1" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Atkins, Andreas (ino:id="5" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )

Deleted all documents for query "person[//surname='Atkins']"

The query "person" returns 3 documents, which are:
  Bloggs, Fred (ino:id="2" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Müller, Andreas (ino:id="3" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )
  Müller, Karla (ino:id="4" collection="ino:etc" doctype="person" )

Deleted all documents for query "person"

Using JavaTaminoAPIExamples.jar only works if you have created a database called "mydb" on your local host. Otherwise you have to change the constant DATABASE_URI and recompile the code.

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Inserting and Querying Documents Using Schemas

The class ProcessPersonsWithSchema performs the following tasks that are typical for an application accessing data stored in a Tamino database:

  1. establish a connection to the existing Tamino database mydb

  2. check the availability of the database connection

  3. obtain a system access method and retrieve some system information

  4. read a schema definition from file and insert it into the database, creating a new collection

  5. read some XML documents from files and insert them into the database

  6. show how a document fails the validation against the schema

  7. query and list all successfully inserted documents

  8. delete all documents

  9. close a database connection

It is assumed that a database called mydb has already been created and is running. The necessary schema and data files are stored within the classpath at the same location as the class ProcessPersonsWithSchema and will be read from there. So the examples are ready to run provided that Tamino is installed on the local host. Note that the class ProcessPersonsWithSchema uses some methods from the class ProcessPersons and thus cannot run without it.

Running the Example

You need to include the .jar files TaminoAPI4J.jar, JavaTaminoAPIExamples.jar, log4j.jar, xercesImpl.jar, and xmlParserAPIs.jar in your classpath, all of which are distributed with the Tamino API. Then you can run the Java interpreter:

java com.softwareag.tamino.db.api.examples.person.ProcessPersonsWithSchema
ProcessPersonsWithSchema sample programm
Connecting to Tamino database http://localhost/tamino/mydb, ... server is alive

Here is some systeminformation

The Tamino server hosting http://localhost/tamino/mydb is version
(Server API version: 1.1, Tamino API for Java version:

Create collection "people" insert and delete some documents

Reading TSD3 schema from file and insert into database

  Inserted the schema for collection "people" and doctype "person"

Reading documents from files and insert into database

  Inserted: Atkins, Paul (ino:id="1" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Bloggs, Fred (ino:id="2" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Inserted: Müller, Andreas (ino:id="3" collection="people" doctype="person" )

Can't insert: Müller, Karla (ino:id="" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Reason: Line 8, Column 15:  [element 'occupation' in element 'person']

  Inserted: Atkins, Andreas (ino:id="4" collection="people" doctype="person" )

The query "person" returns 4 documents, which are:
  Atkins, Paul (ino:id="1" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Bloggs, Fred (ino:id="2" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Müller, Andreas (ino:id="3" collection="people" doctype="person" )
  Atkins, Andreas (ino:id="4" collection="people" doctype="person" )

Deleted all documents for query "person"

Deleted collection "people" with all content

Using JavaTaminoAPIExamples.jar only works if you have created a database called "mydb" on your local host. Otherwise you have to change the constant DATABASE_URI and recompile the code.

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