Version 8.2.2
 —  XQuery 4 Reference Guide  —

Functions in Alphabetical Order

XQuery 4 Function W3C Function Category Description
fn:avg fn:avg aggregate return average of a sequence of numbers
fn:boolean fn:boolean (Draft of November 12, 2003) sequence compute effective Boolean value of a sequence of items
fn:ceiling fn:ceiling numeric return smallest integer not smaller than its argument
fn:collection fn:collection (Draft of November 12, 2003) sequence-generating return input sequence from specified collection
fn:compare fn:compare string compare two strings
fn:contains fn:contains string check whether one string contains another
fn:count fn:count aggregate return number of items in the argument's value
fn:current-date fn:current-date (Draft of October 29, 2004) context return current date
fn:current-dateTime fn:current-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) context return current date and time
fn:current-time fn:current-time (Draft of October 29, 2004) context return current time
fn:data fn:data (Draft of November 12, 2003) accessor return sequence of atomic items
fn:day-from-date fn:day-from-date (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return day integer value from date argument
fn:day-from-dateTime fn:day-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return day integer value from datetime argument
fn:deep-equal fn:deep-equal (Draft of October 29, 2004) sequence check for items in two arguments that compare equal in corresponding positions
fn:distinct-values fn:distinct-values (Draft of November 12, 2003) sequence return sequence with distinct values
fn:ends-with fn:ends-with string check whether a string ends with another string
fn:expanded-QName fn:expanded-QName QName return a constructed QName
fn:false fn:false boolean return the boolean value false
fn:floor fn:floor numeric return largest integer not greater than its argument
fn:get-local-name-from-QName fn:get-local-name-from-QName QName return local part of QName argument
fn:get-namespace-from-QName fn:get-namespace-from-QName QName return namespace URI of QName argument
fn:hours-from-dateTime fn:hours-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return hours integer value from datetime argument
fn:hours-from-time fn:hours-from-time (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return hours integer value from time argument
fn:id fn:id (Draft of October 29, 2004) sequence-generating return sequence of element nodes referenced by IDREF values
fn:idref fn:idref (Draft of October 29, 2004) sequence-generating return sequence of attribute nodes with IDREF values containing at least a specified ID value
fn:last fn:last context return number of items in the current sequence
fn:local-name fn:local-name node return local name of node
fn:lower-case fn:lower-case (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return lower-cased value of a string
fn:max fn:max aggregate return object with maximum value from item sequence
fn:min fn:min aggregate return object with minimum value from item sequence
fn:minutes-from-dateTime fn:minutes-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return minutes integer value from datetime argument
fn:minutes-from-time fn:minutes-from-time (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return minutes integer value from time argument
fn:month-from-date fn:month-from-date (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return month integer value from date argument
fn:month-from-dateTime fn:month-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return month integer value from datetime argument
fn:namespace-uri fn:namespace-uri node return namespace URI from node
fn:node-name fn:node-name (Draft of October 29, 2004) node return expanded QName of a node
fn:normalize-space fn:normalize-space string return its argument with normalized whitespace
fn:not fn:not boolean invert boolean value of its argument
fn:position fn:position context return position of context item in current sequence
fn:put fn:put   inserts new instance into database
fn:root fn:root node return root of tree with argument node
fn:round fn:round numeric return number closest to its argument
fn:seconds-from-dateTime fn:seconds-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return seconds integer value from datetime argument
fn:seconds-from-time fn:seconds-from-time (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return seconds integer value from time argument
fn:starts-with fn:starts-with (Draft of November 12, 2003) string check whether string 1 starts with string 2
fn:string fn:string accessor return argument value as a string
fn:string-join fn:string-join (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return concatenation of string sequence
fn:string-length fn:string-length string return length of string value
fn:substring fn:substring (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return substring of a string value
fn:substring-after fn:substring-after (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return substring of a string value following another string
fn:substring-before fn:substring-before (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return substring of a string value preceding another string
fn:sum fn:sum aggregate return sum of a sequence of numbers
fn:true fn:true boolean return the boolean value true
fn:upper-case fn:upper-case (Draft of November 12, 2003) string return upper-cased value of a string
fn:year-from-date fn:year-from-date (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return year integer value from date argument
fn:year-from-dateTime fn:year-from-dateTime (Draft of October 29, 2004) date return year integer value from datetime argument
ft:proximity-contains text retrieval search for word tokens within some distance
ft:text-contains text retrieval search for word tokens in a search string
tdf:getProperties WebDAV get all WebDAV properties of a document
tdf:getProperty WebDAV get single WebDAV property of a document
tdf:isDescendantOf WebDAV check for WebDAV resource on given path
tdf:mkcol WebDAV create a new collection resource
tdf:resource WebDAV get sequence of WebDAV resources
tdf:setProperty WebDAV set single WebDAV property of a document
tf:broaderTerm text retrieval search for immediate superordinate term
tf:broaderTerms text retrieval search for all superordinate terms
tf:containsAdjacentText text retrieval search for word tokens in order within some distance
tf:containsNearText text retrieval search for word tokens within some distance, but without order
tf:containsText text retrieval search for word tokens in a search string
tf:content-type     get content type of given document
tf:createAdjacentTextReference text retrieval create reference descriptions for adjacent text locations
tf:createNearTextReference text retrieval create reference descriptions for nearby text locations
tf:createNodeReference text retrieval create reference descriptions for nodes
tf:createTextNode Tamino create a text node from a string
tf:createTextReference text retrieval create reference descriptions for text locations
tf:document     construct a document
tf:getCollation Tamino get collation information for a single node
tf:getCollection Tamino get name of current collection
tf:getDocname Tamino get name of current document
tf:getInoId Tamino get ino:id of current document
tf:getLastModified Tamino get date of last modification for current document
tf:highlight text retrieval highlight text based on reference descriptions
tf:narrowerTerm text retrieval search for immediate subordinate term
tf:narrowerTerms text retrieval search for all subordinate terms
tf:nonXML-kind     get the kind (text or binary) of a non-XML document
tf:parse     convert non-XML content to XML
tf:phonetic text retrieval search text based on phonetic similarities
tf:query     Execute an XQuery
tf:serialize     convert XML content to non-XML
tf:setDocname Tamino modify name of a document
tf:stem text retrieval search text based on word stems
tf:synonym text retrieval search for synonymous terms
tf:text-content     get non-XML text content
xs:anyURI xs:anyURI constructor construct an anyURI value from an item value
xs:base64Binary xs:base64Binary constructor construct a base64Binary value from an item value
xs:boolean xs:boolean constructor construct a boolean value from an item value
xs:byte xs:byte constructor construct a byte value from an item value
xs:date xs:date constructor construct a date value from an item value
xs:dateTime xs:dateTime constructor construct a dateTime value from an item value
xs:decimal xs:decimal constructor construct a decimal value from an item value
xs:double xs:double constructor construct a double value from an item value
xs:duration xs:duration constructor construct a duration value from an item value
xs:ENTITY xs:ENTITY constructor construct an ENTITY value from an item value
xs:float xs:float constructor construct a float value from an item value
xs:gDay xs:gDay constructor construct a gDay value from an item value
xs:gMonth xs:gMonth constructor construct a gMonth value from an item value
xs:gMonthDay xs:gMonthDay constructor construct a gMonthDay value from an item value
xs:gYear xs:gYear constructor construct a gYear value from an item value
xs:gYearMonth xs:gYearMonth constructor construct a gYearMonth value from an item value
xs:hexBinary xs:hexBinary constructor construct a hexBinary value from an item value
xs:ID xs:ID constructor construct an ID value from an item value
xs:IDREF xs:IDREF constructor construct an IDREF value from an item value
xs:int xs:int constructor construct an int value from an item value
xs:integer xs:integer constructor construct an integer value from an item value
xs:language xs:language constructor construct a language value from an item value
xs:long xs:long constructor construct a long value from an item value
xs:name xs:Name constructor construct a Name value from an item value
xs:NCName xs:NCName constructor construct an NCName value from an item value
xs:negativeInteger xs:negativeInteger constructor construct a negativeInteger value from an item value
xs:NMTOKEN xs:NMTOKEN constructor construct an NMTOKEN value from an item value
xs:nonNegativeInteger xs:nonNegativeInteger constructor construct a nonNegativeInteger value from an item value
xs:nonPositiveInteger xs:nonPositiveInteger constructor construct a nonPositiveInteger value from an item value
xs:normalizedString xs:normalizedString constructor construct a normalizedString value from an item value
xs:positiveInteger xs:positiveInteger constructor construct a positiveInteger value from an item value
xs:short xs:short constructor construct a short value from an item value
xs:string xs:string constructor construct a string value from an item value
xs:time xs:time constructor construct a time value from an item value
xs:token xs:token constructor construct a token value from an item value
xs:unsignedByte xs:unsignedByte constructor construct a unsignedByte value from an item value
xs:unsignedInt xs:unsignedInt constructor construct a unsignedInt value from an item value
xs:unsignedLong xs:unsignedLong constructor construct a unsignedLong value from an item value
xs:unsignedShort xs:unsignedShort constructor construct a unsignedShort value from an item value

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