Version 8.2.2
 —  XQuery User Guide  —

Query Examples

In the following sections, XQuery keywords are rendered bold and in color. If you have already set up a database, you can directly copy the text and paste it into the XQuery text field of the Tamino Interactive Interface. In the Collection text field, enter "XMP" for the doctypes bib and reviews, and "Hospital" for the doctype patient.

Using Constructors

A central concept of XQuery is compositionality: You can use constructors to compose new XML elements.


<fact>This section contains {3 + 6} examples.</fact>


This first query returns the following result from Tamino as presented by Microsoft's Internet Explorer:

Tamino response to an XQuery

Tamino returns a well-formed XML document with the document element ino:response. It contains information about the query and its processing: the query expression itself (xq:query), messages about any actions before and after processing (ino:message) and in between the actual query result embedded into the xq:result element that reads:

<fact>This section contains 9 examples.</fact>

You can also reduce the output of Tamino to the bare query result. See the section Suppressing the Response Wrapper for details.


Here, an element constructor creates the element fact. It contains the expression 3 + 6 that is enclosed by braces. The arithmetic expression is evaluated and the constructed element is embedded into the output document element returned by Tamino.

There are other constructors that you can use to create other types of nodes such as attribute nodes.

See AdditiveExpr and ElementConstructor in the Tamino XQuery Reference Guide for details.

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Basic FLWOR Expressions

In this query we use the technique of constructing elements in a FLWOR expression:


for    $b in input()/bib/book
return $b/title


It returns a list of all book titles:

<title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title>
<title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title>
<title>Data on the Web</title>
<title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>


The basic form of a FLWOR expression (pronounced: "flower") is used here. You could very roughly compare a FLWOR expression with the SQL expression SELECT - FROM - WHERE. The letters in FLWOR stand for the XQuery keywords for, let, where, order by and return, two of which are used here. Let us examine them more closely:

for $b in input()/bib/book

The for clause binds all values that are evaluated from the expression following the keyword in as an ordered sequence of items to the variable $b. The expression input()/bib/book evaluates to all instances of bib/book elements in the default collection (input()). So the variable $b loops over a sequence with four complete book elements.

return $b/title

The return clause uses the expression following the keyword return to construct the result of the FLWOR expression. Here, for each book element its child element title is returned.

See FLWORExpr in the language reference for details.

According to the XQuery specification, all keywords in XQuery must be written in lower case. It is an error to use upper case or mixed case.

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Using Filters

You can use filters to restrict the result sequence of a query. You can specify a filter by using a where clause in a FLWOR expression:


for    $b in input()/bib/book
where  $b/@year > 1994
    { $b/@year }
    { $b/title }


This query returns all book/title elements of the current collection together with the year of publication provided that the year of publication is 1995 or later:

<book year="2000">
  <title>Data on the Web</title>
<book year="1999">
  <title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>


Again, a FLWOR expression is used in the query, but this time there is an additional where clause:

where $b/@year > 1994

It restricts the bindings to the variable $b to those that meet the condition in the expression following the keyword where: Only those book elements are retained that have an attribute year whose numerical value is greater than 1994. So it has the same effect as the WHERE clause in SQL.

    { $b/@year }
    { $b/title }

An element constructor is used that creates a new element book which is then filled by two enclosed expressions: the first one evaluates to an attribute that is attached to the element book, the second expression is used as before.

You could also introduce an additional variable that is bound to the attribute year by using the let clause. The query then reads:

for    $b in input()/bib/book
let    $y := $b/@year
where  $y > 1994
    { $y }
    { $b/title }

The let clause adds an additional binding so that you can refer to $y instead of referring to $b/@year.

See FLWORExpr in the language reference for details.

Although a sequence of book elements is not a well-formed XML element by itself, the resulting node sequence is serialized by Tamino into an xq:result node, which is in itself a new well-formed XML document.

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The facility of sorting is available with the expression sort by. You can use it for sorting query results as in the following example:


for    $b in (input()/bib/book) sort by (title)
let    $y := $b/@year
where  $y > 1991
    <year> { string($y) } </year>
    { $b/title }


This query returns all book elements sorted by their title:

  <title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title>
  <title>Data on the Web</title>
  <title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title>
  <title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>


Building upon the FLWOR expression from the last example, we modified the return clause:

    <year> { string($y) } </year>
    { $b/title }

The year of publication is now the contents of the new element year. As the expression $b/@year represents an attribute node, we need to turn its value into a string by applying the function string().

sort by (title)

All book elements are sorted by their child element title in ascending order. The FLWOR expression evaluates to a sequence of items and determines the context node for sort by (XQuery calls this evaluation context inner focus). These input items are then reordered according to the sort criterion and returned as a sequence of output items. As book is the context node for each input item, the result is a sequence of book elements sorted alphabetically by title in the default order, which is ascending.

An alternative version of this query is:

for    $b in input()/bib/book
let    $y := $b/@year
where  $y > 1991
    <year> { string($y) } </year>
    { $b/title }
sort by (title)

Putting the sort at the end of the for clause has the advantage that the data type of title is retained and the query can be optimized, while newly constructed nodes have no type information.

See SortExpr and fn:string in the language reference for details.

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You can perform join operations on documents of different doctypes and collections:


for    $b in input()/bib/book,
       $a in input()/reviews/entry
where  $b/title = $a/title
    { $b/author }
    { $b/title }
    { $a/review }


This join query returns all books for which a review exists, with all authors, title and the review text.

  <title>TCP/IP Illustrated</title>
  <review>One of the best books on TCP/IP.</review>
  <title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title>
  <review>A clear and detailed discussion of UNIX programming.</review>
 <title>Data on the Web</title>
 <review>A very good discussion of semi-structured database systems and XML.</review>


A join is constructed in a similar way as in SQL: you identify the items that must match, determine the join criterion and define the output:

for    $b in input()/bib/book,
       $a in input()/reviews/entry

Two variables $a and $b are bound: $b is bound to all instances of bib/book, while $a is bound to all instances of reviews/entry. Both doctypes, bib and reviews, are available in the same collection (XMP).

where  $b/title = $a/title

The FLWOR expression is processed by repeated construction: tuples consisting of an item bound to $a and an item bound to $b. Only those tuples are retained that satisfy the condition that $b/title of doctype bib is equal to $a/title of doctype reviews. Equality is based on the value of the nodes. This is what you could call an equijoin in XML Query.

    { $b/author }
    { $b/title }
    { $a/review }

As before, we use constructors with embedded expressions to define the output. Note that { $b/author } applies to all instances of author so that the third book appears with all three authors. Also, as the author element contains children elements, these are included as well.

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Text Retrieval

You can perform text search operations by using one of the functions tf:containsText, tf:containsAdjacentText or tf:containsNearText. Other retrieval operations include "highlighting" of text, navigating in user-defined thesauri and searching based on phonetic similarities, word stemming or semantic relationships.


for $a in input()/bib/book
where tf:containsText ($a/title, "UNIX")
return $a


This query returns all book elements that contain the word "UNIX" regardless of the case:

<book year="1992">
  <title>Advanced Programming in the Unix environment</title>


All book elements are checked whether they contain the word "UNIX" in their title element independent from case. Those that contain this word will be returned as result.

As the function tf:containsText() is from a different namespace than the standard namespace, you need to declare this namespace first. In this namespace you will find all functions that are specific to Tamino. See tf:containsText in the language reference for details. The section Unicode and Text Retrieval contains more information about the fundamentals of word-wise search in Tamino.

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Updating Documents

You can perform update operations on documents to insert, replace, rename or delete nodes or node sequences (node-level update). It is easy to identify any update operation, since the keyword update always appears at the start of the expression right after the prolog.

Any update operation requires that you have permission to perform this operation. In short, Tamino checks to see if the resulting document is such that you may write it back into the database.

Deleting Nodes

The first simple query deletes all books from the current bib collection that have been edited by Darcy Gerbarg:


update delete input()/bib/book[editor/last="Gerbarg"]


As the result is a modification of the current collection, you receive a confirmation that the operation has been performed successfully:

server response to an update operation


From the document returned by Tamino you can see the original query expression in the marked CDATA section, and the xq:result element that provides information about where the update operation took place: The first document instance (ino:id="1") of the document type bib (ino:doctype="bib") in the collection XMP (ino:collection="XMP").

You can use queries like count(input()/bib/book) to check the number of books before and after the delete operation.

See UpdateExpr and DeleteClause in the language reference for details.

Inserting Nodes

This query reinserts the book with the title "The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV" into the bib element of the current collection.


update insert
  <book year="1999">
    <title>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</title>
    <publisher>Kluwer Academic Publishers</publisher>
into input()/bib


The current bib element is updated by inserting the book element as child element. The new book element is now the last child element of bib.

See UpdateExpr and InsertClause in the language reference for details.

Renaming Nodes

Having a closer look at the book just inserted, we see that we added Darcy Gerbarg as an author. However, she really is the editor and not the author of the book so we need to rename the element and insert the necessary affiliation element:


update for $a in input()/bib/book
where $a/title = "The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV"
do (
    insert <affiliation>CITI</affiliation> following $a/author/first
    rename $a/author as editor


For the operation to succeed, an editor element must be allowed at the same hierarchical position as the author element. This means, they must be siblings as defined in the schema, which is the case.

See UpdateExpr and RenameClause in the language reference for details.

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