Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino XML Schema Reference Guide  —


Purpose This element controls the behavior of sorting with respect to case.
Parent element tsd:collation
Child elements None
Attributes value
Type xs:complexType
Name Type Description
value xs:NMTOKEN

This attribute must have one of the following values:

  • "upperFirst"
    With a value of "upperFirst", words starting with uppercase are sorted together before words starting with lowercase.

  • "lowerFirst"
    A value of "lowerFirst" reverses this behavior.

  • "off"
    A value of "off" indicates that no distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase during sorting.

The default value for this attribute is "off".


  1. If this option is set to either "upperFirst" or "lowerFirst", words starting with the same case are sorted together, either uppercase or lowercase first. Mixed case words (e.g. "AbC", "aBc") are therefore always sorted between uppercase and lowercase.
  2. When the option is not specified, a default value is assumed. The default value indicated here applies to the default root locale that may be otherwise for a specific language/locale. For this topic, refer to tsd:collation and to the collation documentation in the XML Schema User Guide for more information.


See under tsd:collation.

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