Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino Interactive Interface  —

Reference: X-Query

Tamino supports two query languages, the Tamino specific X-Query (spoken X-dash-Query) and the new Tamino XQuery (without a "dash"), which follows the proposals of the W3C about XML query languages. X-Query is the XML query language used in Tamino to perform queries on XML objects and on non-XML objects. The form allows you to send X-Query commands to Tamino in order to retrieve database content.

See also: Query a Database with Tamino X-Query. For detailed information about X-Query, see the X-Query User Guide or the X-Query Reference Guide.

The following elements are available on this form:

Element Description Corresponding URL Parameter
Database URL Specifies the database. See Database URL databaseurl
Favorite Saves the settings as favorite (only Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher). See Favorite -
Collection Specifies the collection to use. See Collection collection
Encoding Specifies the character encoding. See Encoding encoding
Pos. in Result Specifies the index of the first document to be returned. position
Result size Specifies the number of documents to be returned. If value is 0, cursoring is switched off. In this case, result size can be very high. resultsize
Analysis Analyzes the query. Possible values are:
  • none: No analysis; execute query

  • Default: Default analysis of the query using the function ino:explain(QueryText)

  • Path: Receiving explanation level "path" using ino:explain(QueryText,path)

  • Tree: Receiving explanation level "tree" using ino:explain(QueryText,tree)


Possible values:

  • false (= none)

  • true (= default)

  • path (= path)

  • tree (= tree)

X-Query Queries the database with Tamino X-Query syntax. query
Query Button to submit the X-Query. runcmd=query
Help Displays online documentation about this form. -

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