Version 8.2.2

Release Notes

This document contains an overview of the features of Tamino XML Server 8.x that have been introduced or modified since the previous release (Tamino XML Server 4.4). If you have an existing Tamino installation, please refer also to the Migration Guide for information about migration from your current system to Tamino 8.x. The readme.txt file may also contain information that you should be aware of before you use Tamino 8.x.

Tamino 8.x brings new and improved features in the areas of :

The information is organized under the following headings:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Summary of New and Changed Features Gives an overview of the most important new features of Tamino 8.x.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Removed Features Lists the features that are no longer available with this Tamino version.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Notice of Future Changes Informs you about features that will change in future Tamino versions.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Miscellaneous Topics Discusses a number of broadly-focused topics.

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