Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino Non-XML Indexer  —

Schema Reference Information

The schema that is included with the Tamino Non-XML Indexer distribution kit has the structure described below. Properties generated by StarOffice and OpenOffice applications are mapped directly to the element contents and attributes of the schema.

  <properties mimetype="xs:string" contentlength="xs:int">
      xs:string <!-- contains the textual content of the non-XML object, possibly with XML tags -->
      <office:document-meta version="xs:string">
          <meta:generator>           xs:string   </meta:generator>
          <dc:title>                 xs:string   </dc:title>
          <dc:description>           xs:string   </dc:description>
          <dc:subject>               xs:string   </dc:subject>
          <meta:initial-creator>     xs:string   </meta:initial-creator>
          <meta:creation-date>       xs:dateTime </meta:creation-date>
          <dc:creator>               xs:string   </dc:creator>
          <dc:date>                  xs:dateTime </dc:date>
          <meta:printed-by>          xs:string   </meta:printed-by>
          <meta:print-date>          xs:dateTime </meta:print-date>
            <meta:keyword>           xs:string   </meta:keyword>
          <dc:language>              xs:string   </dc:language>
          <meta:editing-cycles>      xs:string   </meta:editing-cycles>
          <meta:editing-duration>    xs:string   </meta:editing-duration>
          <meta:hyperlink-behaviour> xs:string   </meta:hyperlink-behaviour>
          <meta:auto-reload>         xs:string   </meta:auto-reload>
          <meta:template>            xs:string   </meta:template>
          <meta:user-defined name="xs:string"> <!-- zero or more occurrences -->
          <meta:document-statistic attributes_are_tabulated_below />

The element meta:document-statistic has the following attributes:

Attribute Type
cell-count xs:string
character-count xs:string
draw-count xs:string
image-count xs:string
object-count xs:string
ole-object-count xs:string
page-count xs:string
paragraph-count xs:string
row-count xs:string
table-count xs:string
word-count xs:string

Any number of meta:user-defined elements can be defined. Each element has an attribute "name". The content of the element defines the value. Example:

<meta:user-defined name="proofread-by">
  A.B. Campbell
<meta:user-defined name="proofread-date">
  31st April 2008
<meta:user-defined name="published-by">
  Westminster University Press
<meta:user-defined name="published-date">
  May 1st, 2008


Namespace Description URL
dc The namespace "dc" refers to the Dublin Core metadata standard; for more information, please refer to the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative,

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