Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino WebDAV Functionality  —

Basic Methods

Tamino WebDAV supports the following WebDAV functionalities as defined in RFC 2518:


These HTTP methods are required to provide a view on documents as known from file systems.

Some of these functions already exist in Tamino (PUT, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE) but are Tamino-specific methods whereas the methods listed above are specific to Tamino WebDAV.

In order to distinguish the methods used by the standard access protocol to Tamino (DELETE, GET, POST, PUT) and the methods used in WebDAV, a special identifier is added to the request that is supposed to use the WebDAV access protocol.


Standard Tamino GET request:

http://<host:port>/tamino/<dbname>/<tamino collection>/doctype/<@inoid>

WebDAV URL for a GET request:

http://<host:port>/tamino/<dbname>/<identifier>/<resource path>/<resource name>

where, as listed in the following table, the <identifier> consists of "ino:dav" and one of several predefined WebDAV collection names:

Identifier Purpose
ino:dav/ino:dav For standard resources such as directories or files.
ino:dav/ino:davHistory For history and versions.
ino:dav/ino:davWork For work and workspaces.
ino:dav/ino:davWorking For working resources.
ino:dav/ino:davPrincipal A virtual collection that contains WebDAV users and groups.

On Windows, where the colon character (":") is typically the separator between drive letter and folders, the use of the colon in the URL's path can lead to problems for some clients, for example when using the net command to map Tamino WebDAV as a network drive to a drive letter. To circumvent this problem, Tamino allows an alternative syntax without colons in the URL path. The colon between host and port in the URL is generally not a problem for clients. The alternative syntax is:

In order to use this URL syntax, a special entry in the Apache httpd.conf file needs to be set. Add the following lines, if they are not yet present in httpd.conf:

<LocationMatch /tamino.*>
SetHandler ino

The WebDAV standard does not define any semantic for the HTTP POST request. No POST method is allowed in the WebDav Scope.

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