Tamino API for C Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for C  —

Cursor-Related Commands

The following commands are available:


int tac_cursor_close(TAC_HANDLE handle, int cursor)

Closes a Tamino cursor. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - the cursor identification obtained from a call to tac_cursor_open_xql() or tac_cursor_open_xquery().


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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int tac_cursor_fetch(TAC_HANDLE handle, int cursor, int position, int quantity)

Fetches an existing Tamino cursor to browse through a result set. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - the cursor identification obtained from a call to tac_cursor_open_xql() or tac_cursor_open_xquery().
position - the starting point within the result set.
quantity - the number of entries to be returned; if set to 0 or a negative value, the default of 10 is used.


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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int tac_cursor_new_xql(TAC_HANDLE handle, int *cursor, const char *collection, const char *query, int scroll, int sensitive, int count, int position, int quantity)

Opens and fetches a Tamino cursor for the specified X-Query string. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - a pointer to an integer variable which will receive the cursor identification.
collection - a string containing the name of the collection to be used.
query - the X-Query string.
scroll - one of the predefined constants TAC_YES or TAC_NO.
sensitive - only the predefined constant TAC_VAGUE is permitted here.
count - one of the predefined constants TAC_NO or TAC_CHEAP.
position - the starting point within the result set.
quantity - the number of entries to be returned; if set to 0 or a negative value, the default of 10 is used.


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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int tac_cursor_new_xquery(TAC_HANDLE handle, int *cursor, const char *collection, const char *query, int scroll, int sensitive, int count, int position, int quantity)

Opens and fetches a Tamino cursor for the specified XQuery 4 string. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - a pointer to an integer variable which will receive the cursor identification.
collection - a string containing the name of the collection to be used.
query - the XQuery string.
scroll - one of the predefined constants TAC_YES or TAC_NO.
sensitive - one of the predefined constants TAC_VAGUE or TAC_NO.
count - one of the predefined constants TAC_NO or TAC_CHEAP.
position - the starting point within the result set.
quantity - the number of entries to be returned; if set to 0 or a negative value, the default of 10 is used.


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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int tac_cursor_open_xql(TAC_HANDLE handle, int *cursor, const char *collection, const char *query, int scroll, int sensitive, int count)

Opens a Tamino cursor for the specified X-Query string. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - a pointer to an integer variable which will receive the cursor identification.
collection - a string containing the name of the collection to be used.
query - the X-Query string.
scroll - one of the predefined constants TAC_YES or TAC_NO.
sensitive - only the predefined constant TAC_VAGUE is permitted here.
count - one of the predefined constants TAC_NO or TAC_CHEAP.


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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int tac_cursor_open_xquery(TAC_HANDLE handle, int *cursor, const char *collection, const char *query, int scroll, int sensitive, int count)

Opens a Tamino cursor for the specified XQuery 4 string. For more details, see Requests using X-Machine Commands, The _cursor command.

Takes Parameters:

handle - a valid handle obtained from tac_init().
cursor - a pointer to an integer variable which will receive the cursor identification.
collection - a string containing the name of the collection to be used.
query - the XQuery string.
scroll - one of the predefined constants TAC_YES or TAC_NO.
sensitive - one of the predefined constants TAC_VAGUE or TAC_NO.
count - one of the predefined constants TAC_NO or TAC_CHEAP.


The predefined constant TAC_SUCCESS upon success, or an error code upon failure (see Return and Error Codes).

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