Tamino API for .NET Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for .NET  —

Working with Non-XML Data

The following methods of the TaminoCommand class can also be used to process non-XML data:


TaminoConnection connection = new TaminoConnection ("http://myserver/tamino/mydb");

// Tamino provides collection ino:etc to insert non-XML data
TaminoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand("ino:etc");

FileStream stream = new FileStream("MyBinary.gif", FileMode.Open);
TaminoDocument doc = new TaminoDocument(stream, "image/gif");
doc.DocName = "MyBinary.gif";
doc.DocType = "ino:nonXML"; // ino:nonXML is the doctype for non-XML data
                            // in collection ino:etc 
TaminoResponse response = command.Insert(doc);
Trace.Assert(response.ReturnValue == "0", response.ErrorText);

For more information about the ino:etc collection and the ino:nonXML document type, please see the Tamino Server documentation.

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