Tamino API for .NET Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for .NET  —


In order to pass the user's name, domain and password to the Tamino XML Server for security purposes, use the class TaminoUserInfo. When passing passwords, secure transmission (for example, HTTPS) must be used. The username and password are sent as Base64 encoded text, which is very easy to decode (Base64 is not an encryption technique) and is therefore insecure unless an encrypted transmission protocol is used.


// create user security info
TaminoUserInfo userInfo = new TaminoUserInfo("name", "domain", "password");

// create connection
TaminoConnection =
    new TaminoConnection("https://localhost/tamino/mydb", userInfo);

// open connection

// create command
TaminoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();

// insert document

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