Tamino API for .NET Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for .NET  —

Processing Diagnostics

Diagnostic tests can be executed for a connection that is in either of the states TaminoConnectionState.Open or TaminoConnectionState.Closed. The diagnostic subject is passed to the Diagnose method of the TaminoConnection object as a string. Please refer to the Tamino Server documentation for a list of the diagnostic subjects that are supported by Tamino.

You can use the class TaminoDiagnoseResponse to access the response from a particular diagnose request. See also the TaminoSerialization sample in the AdvancedSamples.

TaminoResponse response = connection.Diagnose("ping");
TaminoDiagnoseResponse diagnoseResponse =
Console.WriteLine("Value=" + diagnoseResponse.Message.Messageline[0].Value);

Hint: Use the DbVersion property of the TaminoConnection object to access the version number of the Tamino database.

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