Tamino API for .NET Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for .NET  —


The property TaminoPreference.RequiredEncoding specifies to the Tamino XML Server the encoding to be used when returning a retrieved document or a query response. This is useful for programmers who wish to deal with documents in some encoding (for example, EUC-JP) other than the default encoding (UTF-8). Note that the encoding is only apparent at the byte stream level, i.e. if a document is stored to a file or is read as a stream. It is not apparent in a DOM tree, as the document appears as Unicode. The encoding would also appear in the XML document prolog (for example, encoding="EUC-JP").


// create preferences for EUC-JP
TaminoPreference pref = new TaminoPreference();
pref.RequiredEncoding = "EUC-JP";

// create connection with preferences
TaminoConnection connection =
    new TaminoConnection("http://localhost/tamino/mydb", pref);

// create command
TaminoCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();

// retrieve document in EUC-JP encoding
Stream stream = command.RetrieveStream(someUri);

// write stream to console
Console.Write("EUC-JP: ");
for (int b=stream.ReadByte() ; b != -1 ; b=stream.ReadByte())

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