Tamino API for .NET

SoftwareAG.Tamino.Api Namespace

The SoftwareAG.Tamino.Api namespace consists of classes that enable applications to perform the most common Tamino tasks.


TaminoCommand Provides basic Tamino database commands.

The methods in this class are used to perform data-related operations against the Tamino database. The data that the class handles may be either XML or non-XML (binary) documents.

TaminoConnection Represents a connection to a Tamino database.

A connection is needed to be able to create TaminoCommands so that one can perform operations on the Tamino database.

TaminoDataObject Represents a general XML or non-XML (binary) object corresponding to a Tamino document or document fragment.
TaminoDocument Represents a Tamino XML or non-XML (binary) document.
TaminoDocumentProperties Container for document properties that can be accessed independently of the document itself.
TaminoException Returns information about the last Tamino API exception.
TaminoItemIterator Provides item-by-item iteration, either over the whole result set of a Tamino query or over a single page of a result set.
TaminoPageIterator Provides page-by-page iteration over the result set of a Tamino query.
TaminoPreference Container for user preferences. These are used to alter the behavior of the API.
TaminoQuery Represents a Tamino query.

Represents Tamino query options.

This allows the user to modify the behavior of cursors.

It also supports queries for subsets of data.

Position and Quantity must have valid values at all times. This means that they must either both be zero or both be non-zero. The corresponding property setters guarantee this.

TaminoQueryResponse Represents Tamino response information in response to a query command invocation. Methods are provided to permit iteration over the result set.
TaminoResponse Represents Tamino response information in response to a command invocation.
TaminoSchemaCommand Provides commands to manipulate and query Tamino schema information.
TaminoTransaction Represents a Tamino database transaction.

The commands invoked during a transaction may be committed using Commit or rolled back using Rollback.

TaminoTxId Container for transaction IDs.

Both TIP and UTX transaction IDs are supported. UTX transaction IDs may be of the form fixed size ids or URLs.

TaminoUri URI container. The class is intended to handle both relative and absolute URIs.
TaminoUserInfo Container for security-related user information.


ITaminoDataObject Tamino data object interface. The set of information that describes a Tamino document or document fragment.
ITaminoDocument Tamino document interface. The set of information that describes a Tamino document.


TaminoConnectionMode Specifies the possible mode of a TaminoConnection. The mode defines the transactional boundary for commands.
TaminoConnectionState Specifies the possible state of a TaminoConnection.
TaminoIsolationLevel Specifies the isolation level value for a single command or a whole transaction.
TaminoLockMode Specifies the lock mode value for a single command or a whole transaction.
TaminoLockwait Specifies the lock wait value for a single command or a whole transaction.
TaminoQueryOption.ScrollableBehavior Specifies how the cursor can move through the result set.
TaminoQueryOption.SensitivityBehavior Specifies the sensitivity of the cursor to underlying changes to the database.