Tamino API for .NET Version 8.2.2
 —  Tamino API for .NET  —

Inserting, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting XML Documents

The TaminoCommand class provides methods for inserting, retrieving, updating and deleting documents. To get a TaminoCommand object, use the CreateCommand method in the TaminoConnection object.

The methods work with two types of object:

This chapter describes the most common ways of using those objects together with the Insert, Retrieve, Update and Delete methods of the TaminoCommand class. The chapter Working with URIs describes more advanced usage of the TaminoUri class.

ITaminoDocument, TaminoDocument and TaminoUri

When working with Tamino documents, several different kinds of information are needed:

The ITaminoDocument interface encapsulates all three kinds of information. It allows a Tamino XML document to be passed as a self-describing object within the application.

An object of the TaminoUri class represents information that describes how to find a document in Tamino.

ITaminoDocument and TaminoDocument

The Data property of the ITaminoDocument interface holds the actual XML document. In addition, the interface contains properties including the Tamino document type and the document name that identify a Tamino XML document uniquely. Depending on the operation, this identifying information must be specified before the Insert, Update, Delete is called; alternatively, this information is set from the TaminoCommand object before the method call returns.

The value of the DocName property is either the internal ID used by Tamino, or a unique name that the application has given to the document. An internal ID always starts with a leading “@”. If an application-specific unique name exists, the unique name takes preference.

The Tamino API for .NET contains two classes that implement the ITaminoDocument interface:

This chapter focuses on the TaminoDocument object. TaminoXmlDocument is more appropriate when processing query results; for more information, see the section Processing Document Lists.


A Tamino URI can be ether absolute or relative. In this chapter, all TaminoURI objects are relative to the Tamino collection of the TaminoCommand object. They have the following structure:


The document name can be either the Tamino internal D with a leading “@” or the unique name that the application has given to the document. For more advanced usage scenarios of the TaminoUri class, see the chapter Working with URIs.

The following describes how to insert, update, retrieve and delete XML documents. For information about handling error situations, see the chapter Handling Responses and TaminoExceptions.

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Inserting XML Documents

An application can insert XML documents with or without specifying a unique name. In each case the TaminoCommand class sets the DocType property to the correct value before the method returns. If no unique name has been specified when calling Insert, then the DocName property of the ITaminoDocument interface will contain the Tamino internal ID after the call.

The following shows how to insert an XML document without specifying a unique name. See also the InsertDocuments example in the SimpleSamples.


// create a document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);

To insert an XML document with a unique name, set the DocName property accordingly before calling the Insert method. This name must not start with “@”. See also the InsertWithName example in the Advanced Samples.


// create a document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);
tamDoc.DocName = "MyUniqueName";

If you want to insert a document with a unique name and the XML document uses namespaces, you must observe the following rule: If the name of the Tamino document type is not the same as the fully-qualified name of the document's root element, then you must set the DocType property explicitly before calling the Insert method.

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Updating and Deleting XML Documents

Before updating or deleting an XML document, the DocName and DocType properties must contain valid values. This will automatically be the case if, for example, a preceding Insert or Retrieve has been processed.

If the application creates a new TaminoDocument object from scratch, it must set the DocName property. The DocType property is automatically set to the fully qualified name of the document's root element. If namespaces are being used and the fully-qualified name of the document's root element does not match the name of the corresponding Tamino document type, the application must set the correct DocType value explicitly.

When processing a delete command, it is not necessary to provide the XML document itself. Therefore another option is to use the overloaded Delete method, which takes a TaminoUri object as parameter.


TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);
command.Delete(new TaminoUri("./MyDocType/@1"));
TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);
tamDoc.DocName = "@1";
TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);
tamDoc.DocName = "@2";
tamDoc.DocType = "pre:MyDocType"; 

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Retrieving XML Documents and Document Properties

The Tamino API for .NET provides methods for retrieving documents and document properties . The most common cases are described below:

Retrieve a Document using its Identity

The application knows the identity of the document and wants to retrieve the document.


TaminoDocument tamDoc = command.Retrieve(new TaminoUri("Property/@1"));

Retrieve a Document as a Programming Language Type

.NET supports the generation of a programming language type from an XML schema. These classes can then be used to process an XML document using the programming language types instead of the DOM API. The Tamino API for .NET allows an XmlDocument to be retrieved as a programming language. All types which can be serialized and deserialized using .NET's XmlSerializer class are supported.


Property property =
(Property) command.Retrieve(new TaminoUri("Property/@1"), typeof(Property));

Retrieve a Document as a Stream or XmlReader

For more convenient further processing, it is sometimes better to have a Stream or XmlReader object returned instead of a TaminoDocument.


Stream stream = command.RetrieveStream(new TaminoUri("Property/@1"));
XmlReader reader = command.RetrieveReader(new TaminoUri("Property/@1"));

Retrieve Document Properties using Identity

The class TaminoDocumentProperties represents properties, which can be retrieved from Tamino for a single document. One example of these properties is the time when a Tamino document was most recently modified. (For more information about the returned time format, see the Tamino XML Server documentation.)


string lastmodifiedBefore = ...;
TaminoDocumentProperties properties = command.RetrieveProperties("Property/@1");
if ( properties.LastModified != lastmodifiedBefore )
	Console.WriteLine("Document has changed");

Re-Read a Document from Tamino

If the application has already read a TaminoDocument or TaminoXmlDocument, TaminoCommand provides facilities for re-reading the data from Tamino:


TaminoTransaction tx = connection.BeginTransaction();
TaminoDocument tamDoc = new TaminoDocument(doc);
TaminoResponse response = command.Insert(tamDoc);
tx = connection.BeginTransaction();
// reload the data

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