
Check whether string 1 starts with string 2

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Related Syntax Constructs

The following construct(s) refer to this construct:


fn:starts-with(string $string, string $startString) => boolean
fn:starts-with(string $string, string $startString, string $collation) => boolean


This function checks whether or not the value of $string starts with the value of $startString. If the value of $startString is a string of length zero, the function returns true. If the value of $string is a string of length zero, but the value of $startString is not, the function returns false. If the value of either string is the empty sequence, the function returns the empty sequence.



string value


string value to be searched for in $string


optional valid collation string literal


  • Select all patients that have some form of angina:

    for $a in input()/patient
    let $b := $a/submitted/diagnosis
    where starts-with($b, "Angina")
    return $a/name