
Choose query optimization strategy.




NCName StringLiteral


A TaminoQPIOptimization is a query pragma that has the form of a QPI (query processing instruction), i.e., it is enclosed by "{?" and "?}". It directs the query processor to use an optimization strategy.

As optimization strategy you can use inlining of user-defined functions to minimize the overhead of function calls and to enable optimization across function boundaries. The parameter is inline and the following values are allowed:

"none" no inlining of user-defined functions is performed
"default" inlining of user-defined functions is performed when the inline hint is used
"full" all user-defined functions are inlined except those that directly or indirectly reference themselves


  • The following query directs the query processor to use full inlining to a query:

    {?optimization inline="full"?}
    import module namespace math="http://example.org/math-functions
    math:power(2, 2)

Related Syntax Construct

The following construct(s) refer to this construct:

This construct is also related to the following construct(s):
