
Multiply or divide numerical values.

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Expr Expr


The MultiplicativeExpr provides arithmetic operations for multiplying and dividing numerical values. Each operand is atomized so that it is either a single atomic value or an empty sequence. If either of the operands is atomized to an empty sequence, the result of the operation is also an empty sequence. If the two operands are of different types, type promotion is applied and the two operands are promoted to their least common type. The operation is then performed and either an atomic value is returned or a dynamic error such as division by zero issued.

The division operator is called div, since the typical division symbol / is already used in path expressions. The result of the div operation has the least common type of its operands unless both operands are integer values, in which case an atomic value of type xs:double is returned. The modulo operation (using the operator mod) returns the remainder of a division.


  • Compute the percentage of patients who have died:

    count(input()//deceased) div count(input()/patient) * 100

    Two multiplicative expressions are involved that are executed according to the normal precedence rule, since neither of them is enclosed in parentheses. The first operation divides the number of deceased patients by the total number of patients. The result of this operation is of type xs:double, since the atomized values of both operands are integer values. Consequently, the result of the following multiplication is also of type xs:double.

  • Select all patients who were born in the first year of a decade:

    for $a in input()/patient
    where $a/born mod 10 = 0
    return $a