
Select nodes based on position.





A SequenceExpr consists either of a single ProximityExpr or of two or more proximity expressions that are separated by the operators before or after. With these operators you can select nodes based on sibling positioning.

The left operand of the before or after operator must be a set of sibling nodes and the right-hand operand must be an element of this node-set (otherwise an empty node-set will be returned as a result).


There is no SequenceExpr in XPath. You can use the operators before and after to simulate the XPath way of selecting nodes along one of the axes preceding-sibling or following-sibling, see the second and third example.


  • Select remarks to a patient (all descendant remarks element nodes are sibling to some element node therapy and positioned after that node; in our example database this is true for only one node; see also next example):

    //remarks after therapy
  • Select street and housenumber of all patients' addresses (select all element nodes that are child nodes of patient/address and select only those that in the document order of siblings are positioned before the city element):

    /patient/address/* before city
  • Select all data of a patient except his or her name and any remarks (from all immediate child element nodes of the patient nodes select the siblings following the name node provided that they are not the last one):

    (/patient/* after name)[position() != last()]

    Please note that you have to use the parentheses here. Otherwise the predicate expression would be applied to the name node and this would yield an empty result set.

Related Expressions
