

This option specifies whether a structure index is created for the corresponding doctype. In other words, it specifies whether and how nodes not declared by the schema are registered in the repository. It is of type xs:NMTOKEN. It can have the following values:

  • none
    No structural indexing is done.

    Do not choose this option if you intend to define a reference index within the doctype.

  • condensed
    The repository registers the existence of any node within any instance loaded into the doctype.

  • full
    The repository registers both the existence of undeclared nodes and the instances in which they occur.

"The default value is condensed."
Parent element tsd:physical (used in the context of tsd:doctype)
Child elements None
Attributes None


The following example shows how to define a structure index using the "full" option for a doctype "Telephone":

<tsd:doctype name="Telephone">