

This element specifies information for pure Adabas or SQL mapping. The basic idea is that data exist only in the Adabas file or SQL table, and Tamino only acts as an XML wrapper. In particular, when such documents are stored through Tamino, the contents are mapped to Adabas or SQL, and then Tamino forgets the document. In other words, hybrid mapping is not possible where parts of a document are mapped to (i.e. stored in) Tamino and parts are mapped to X-Node. The effect of this option is as follows:

  • No data is stored in Tamino for that doctype.

  • In particular, inserting new documents does not assign an ino:id, and any markup (comments, processing instructions, insignificant whitespace) is lost.

  • Even though a document was inserted through Tamino, it cannot be updated using _process, and it cannot be deleted using _delete (both operations are only possible through _xquery update).

  • _xquery update does not store anything in Tamino, any modifications to the markup (e.g. comments) are lost.

  • It is particularly important to note that in such a doctype only one Adabas or SQL file can be mapped.

  • Any real content in the document must be mapped to Adabas or SQL.

  • You cannot use a full structure index in conjunction with pure mapping to Adabas or SQL.

Parent element tsd:map
Child elements None
Attributes None
