
This element can be used in two different contexts:

  1. In the context of tsd:objectRef:

    Purpose In the context of tsd:objectRef, tsd:accessPredicate specifies a simple access predicate to join another doctype via tsd:nodeRef with the value of the current node which can be used to define filter expressions. Exactly one tsd:accessPredicate element is needed per tsd:objectRef element.
    Parent element tsd:objectRef
    Child elements tsd:nodeRef, tsd:nodeParameter
    Attributes operator
    Type xs:complexType
    Name Type Description
    operator xs:string

    In the context of tsd:objectRef, the operator attribute allows the specification of an operator to apply in the context of the tsd:accessPredicate element. Valid values are:

    • =

    • !=

    • <

    • >

    • <=

    • >=


    This example shows the use of the tsd:accessPredicate element in the context of the tsd:objectRef element. An object reference is set up using /CustomerNo as a key:

      <tsd:accessPredicate operator = "=">
  2. In the context of tsd:subTreeSQL:

    Purpose In the context of tsd:subTreeSQL, this element specifies parameters to be used to build a "where" clause in retrieval expressions.
    Parent element tsd:subTreeSQL
    Child elements tsd:nodeRef
    Attributes None
    Type xs:complexType (with mixed content).


    For an example of this kind of usage of tsd:accessPredicate, see tsd:subTreeSQL.