
Search for word tokens within some distance.

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The following construct(s) refer to this construct:


ft:proximity-contains(node $node, string $searchString, integer $distance, boolean $ordered) => boolean


This text retrieval function searches a node for a sequence of one or more word tokens (passed as a string) within a specified proximity distance and in a specified order. If the argument $node evaluates to the empty sequence, false is returned.

The $distance argument determines how far apart the matched word tokens in the string value of the node may be. The distance is evaluated as the maximum number of unmatched tokens between the first matched word token and the last matched word token in $searchString. The function returns true, if $distance is larger than this computed distance. For example, a value of "1" means they must follow immediately after one another, a value of 2 allows a gap of one word in between etc.

With ft:proximity-contains you can perform search operations including the use of a wildcard character. The section Using Wildcard Characters in the XQuery 4 User Guide explains this in detail.

There are no defaults defined, so you need to invoke it with all arguments. This function is bound to the namespace http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xquery-operators-text and you need to declare that namespace in the query prolog.

This function is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Tamino. You should use one of the functions tf:containsText, tf:containsAdjacentText or tf:containsNearText instead. See the examples for details.



node to be searched


string containing a sequence of one or more words to be searched for


integer value denoting proximity distance


if true, the order of word tokens in $searchString is taken into account.


In the patient sample data, there is a remarks element for the patient Bloggs that reads: "Patient is responding to treatment. Dr. Shamir.".

  • Retrieve all patients who are responding to current treatment:

    declare namespace ft="http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xquery-operators-text"
    for $a in input()/patient
    where ft:proximity-contains($a/remarks, "to treatment", 1, true())
    return $a/name

    This query returns all the names of all patients for which ft:proximity-contains returns true, since the words "to" and "treatment" immediately follow after one another in that order. You can rewrite queries of this kind with tf:containsAdjacentText. Note that you have to specify each of the search words as a separate argument:

    for $a in input()/patient
    where tf:containsAdjacentText($a/remarks, 1, "to", "treatment")
    return $a/name
  • Retrieve all patients who are responding to current treatment:

    declare namespace ft="http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xquery-operators-text"
    for $a in input()/patient
    where ft:proximity-contains($a/remarks, "treatment responding", 2, false())
    return $a/name

    This query returns all the names of all patients for which ft:proximity-contains returns true. In the text contents of the remarks node, the word tokens "treatment" and "responding" may have at most one word token in between and appear in either order. You can rewrite queries of this kind with tf:containsNearText. Note that you have to specify each of the search words as a separate argument:

    declare namespace ft="http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xquery-operators-text"
    for $a in input()/patient
    where tf:containsNearText($a/remarks, 2, "treatment", "to")
    return $a/name
  • Check for each patient if there is the word "treatment" in the remarks.

    declare namespace ft="http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xquery-operators-text"
    for $a in input()/patient
    return ($a/name, ft:proximity-contains($a/remarks, "treatment", 0, true()))

    This form of ft:proximity-contains degenerates to a simple text search: a distance of 0 allows no delimiters within the $searchString restricting it to a single word token. The order has no effect here. You should use tf:containsText instead:

    for $a in input()/patient
    return ($a/name, tf:containsText($a/remarks, "treatment"))