Process Engine 10.11 | Collecting Process Troubleshooting Information | Creating a Process Troubleshooting Package
Creating a Process Troubleshooting Package
The Process Engine provides you with the ability to gather process troubleshooting information and package it into a single zip file.
*To create a process model troubleshooting package
1. In webMethods Monitor, obtain the process instance ID and iteration number of a process instance of the process model you want to work with. You can also obtain this information from the server.log file or, if enabled, from a process instance log file.
2. Log on to the Integration Server Administrator and click Packages > Management.
3. Locate the WmPRT package and click the Home Page icon Home page icon.
4. In the Process list, click Diagnostic.
5. On the Diagnostic page, type the process instance ID in the Instance ID field, and type the iteration number in the Instance Iteration field.
6. Click Submit.
If the values entered in step 5 are valid, the zip file package is created and is available from a link on the Save to File page, and in the WmPRT\pub directory. The zip file name is in the format
7. Click the link to open or save the zip file, or open the zip file in the WmPRT\pub directory.
If you click another location in the WmPRT Home Page menu, the Save to File page is closed and the link is no longer available. However, you can use the browser’s Back button to return to the Save to File page, or you can access the zip file in the WmPRT\pub directory.