Process Engine 10.11 | Process Engine Services | Summary of Elements in the WmPRT\pub Folder |
WmPRT. Matches the supplied business document ID to a valid process model. This service provides support for webMethods Rosetta Net in Process Engine.
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters.
Object — Trading Networks BizDocEnvelope document that you want to send to the Process Engine.
String Contains the model identifier to match to the bizdoc.
String A flag that indicates whether the associated step starts the business process. The following values apply:
*true — Specify that the step associated with the specified bizdoc is a step that starts the business process.
*false — Specify that the step associated with the bizdoc does not have to start the business process.
Output Parameters
The following table lists the output parameters.
String The process model identifier that matches the specified business document.
String The internal process track count for the matching process instance.
String The step identifier.
String Text of any generated error message (present only if a Service Exception is raised).
Usage Notes
The service invokes the original TNDispatcher.matchBizDoc() that returns the MatchResult object. This object is parsed for the output parameters used by the Rosetta Net implementation.