Process Engine 10.11 | Process Engine Services | Summary of Elements in the WmPRT\pub Folder | pub.prt.admin:deleteProcess
WmPRT. Deletes information for a specific process instance from the Process Engine database.
Use this service to delete the information for a specific process instance from the Process Engine database. For example, if that process that has become unresponsive or has entered an indeterminate state. The information is removed from the Process Engine database only. The Process Audit database remains unaffected, and the process instance will continue to appear in webMethods Monitor. If you want to retain the process instance information but remove mappings to correlation IDs, use the pub.prt.correlate:deleteCorrelation service.
Input Parameters
The following table lists the input parameters.
String ID of the process instance for which you want to delete information.
String The iteration of the process instance that you want to delete from the Process Engine database.
Output Parameters
The following table lists the output parameters.
String Flag indicating whether the process instance information was deleted. The following values apply:
*true — The process instance information was deleted.
*false —The process instance information was not deleted.
Usage Notes
In normal operation, the Process Engine Storage Cleaner utility removes older process instance information from the Process Engine database at regularly scheduled intervals. You can set the Storage Cleaner intervals on the Settings page of the Process Engine home page in the Integration Server Administrator. For more information, see the topic ”Configuring Process Engine Settings” in the PDF publication Administering webMethods Process Engine . You can use the pub.prt.admin:deleteProcess service to remove this information outside of the regularly scheduled Storage Cleaner operation. Note that the Storage Cleaner removes process instance data for completed and failed instances that are eligible for deletion, and it also removes correlation data. For more information, see “About the Process Engine Storage Cleaner” in in the PDF publication Administering webMethods Process Engine .
See Also