Name | Description |
long peakTime | Longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent performing a system directory service operation. |
float averageTime | Average amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent performing a system directory service operation. |
int numActions | Number of system directory service operations that My webMethods Server performed. |
long totalTime | Total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent performing a system directory service operation. |
deltanumActions | Delta of the number of system directory service operations that My webMethods Server performed. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of numActions. |
deltatotalTime | Delta of the total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent performing a system directory service operation. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of totalTime. |