Name | Description |
int Events.loginEvents | Total number of successful login attempts to My webMethods Server. |
Events.deltaloginEvents | Delta of the total number of successful login attempts to My webMethods Server. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of loginEvents. |
int Events.logoutEvents | Total number of events related to session logout and cleanup. |
Events.deltalogoutEvents | Delta of the total number of events related to session logout and cleanup. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of logoutEvents. |
int Events.deleteEvents | Total number of items (for example, documents, folders, links, portlets, pages, users, groups, or roles) that were deleted from My webMethods Server. |
Events.deltadeleteEvents | Delta of the total number of items (for example, documents, folders, links, portlets, pages, users, groups, or roles) that were deleted from My webMethods Server. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of deleteEvents. |
int Events.updateEvents | Total number of items that were updated in My webMethods Server. |
Events.deltaupdateEvents | Delta of the total number of items that were updated in My webMethods Server. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of updateEvents. |
int Events.readEvents | Total number of HTTP Read requests. |
Events.deltareadEvents | Delta of the total number of HTTP Read requests. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of readEvents. |
int Events.createEvents | Total number of items that were created in My webMethods Server. |
Events.deltacreateEvents | Delta of the total number of items that were created in My webMethods Server. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of createEvents. |
int Events.loginFailedEvents | Total number of unsuccessful login attempts to My webMethods Server. |
Events.deltaloginFailedEvents | Delta of the total number of unsuccessful login attempts to My webMethods Server. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of loginFailedEvents. |
int rule_evaluation.numActions | Number of My webMethods Server rule evaluation actions. |
float rule_evaluation.averageTime | Average amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server took to evaluate rules. |
long rule_evaluation.peakTime | Longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server took to evaluate a rule. |
long rule_evaluation.totalTime | Total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server took to evaluate rules. |
rule_evaluation.deltanumActions | Delta of the number of My webMethods Server rule evaluation actions. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of numActions. |
rule_evaluation.deltatotalTime | Delta of the total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server took to evaluate rules. |
int Locale_Evaluation.numActions | Number of actions related to evaluating a client’s locale. |
long Locale_Evaluation.totalTime | Total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent evaluating locales. |
long Locale_Evaluation.peakTime | Longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent evaluating a locale. |
float Locale_Evaluation.averageTime | Average amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent evaluating locales. |
Locale_Evaluation.deltanumActions | Delta of the number of actions related to evaluating a client’s locale. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of numActions. |
Locale_Evaluation.deltatotalTime | Delta of the total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent evaluating locales. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of totalTime. |
int Sessions.activeUsers | Number of users currently logged in to My webMethods. |
int Sessions.totalSessions | Number of current sessions, including sessions in use by My webMethods Server System users. |
float HtRequest.averageTime | Average amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent processing HTTP requests. |
long HtRequest.totalTime | Total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent processing HTTP requests. |
int HtRequest.numActions | Number of HTTP requests received. |
long HtRequest.peakTime | Longest amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent processing HTTP requests. |
HtRequest.deltanumActions | Delta of the number of HTTP requests received. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of numActions. |
HtRequest.deltatotalTime | Delta of the total amount of time, in milliseconds, that My webMethods Server spent processing HTTP requests. This KPI reports the difference between the last two continuous poll readings of totalTime. |
long Memory.maxMemory | Maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, available for use. |
long Memory.freeMemory | Amount of free memory, in megabytes, that is available for use. |
int CurrentNoOfPollEventsSent | The count of events sent for an asset during each polling. |
int PollTime | Polling time for an asset during each polling. |
int PingTime | Time to ping an asset server. |