Optimize 10.11 | webMethods Optimize Documentation | Administering webMethods Optimize | For System Administrators | Installing and Configuring the WmOptimize Package | Configuring the WmOptimize Package
Configuring the WmOptimize Package
If you are using Optimize for Process to monitor non-webMethods processes, you must connect the WmOptimize package running on the Integration Servers in your environment to the Optimize Analytic Engines so that My webMethods can display process metrics.
*To configure the WmOptimize package on Integration Server
1. Start Integration Server, if it is not already running.
2. In the navigation area on the left side of the page, click Packages > Management.
3. On the Packages > Management page, click Home icon for the WmOptimize package.
The Configuration Settings page enables you to configure the default Analytic Engine host and port, as well as the Broker (deprecated) or Universal Messaging instances to which WmOptimize sends information. Default values appear for the initial Broker (deprecated) instances. If you want WmOptimize to send information to additional Broker (deprecated) or Universal Messaging instances, you must do so by creating new connections using the pub.optimize.monitoring:createNewConnection service. For more information, see pub.optimize.monitoring:createNewConnection.
4. Accept or modify the settings that are described in the following table.
Analytic Engine Host
Displays the name of the computer where the WmOptimize package is installed. Accept the default value or change it to the host name of the Analytic Engine you want to send data to.
Analytic Engine Port
Displays the port number of the Analytic Engine. Accept the default value of 12503 or change it to the port number you want to use.
Analytic Engine User
Displays the user name for connecting to the Optimize Analytic Engine.
Analytic Engine Password
Displays the user password for connecting to the Optimize Analytic Engine.
Analytic Engine Use SSL
Specifies whether you want to use SSL to connect to the Optimize Analytic Engine or not. Selecting the option enables all the other SSL-related fields for the WmOptimize package.
Set to
To specify that
Clear (the default)
You do not want to use SSL connection to the Optimize Analytic Engine.
You want to use SSL connection to the Optimize Analytic Engine. For more information about SSL configuration for the Analytic Engine, see Configuring BAM.
JMS Server URL
Displays URL values for the JMS provider host, port, and name. The supported JMS providers are webMethods Broker (deprecated) and Software AG Universal Messaging. Accept the default URL values or substitute the values you want to use. For example:
broker://localhost:6849/Broker #1
Specifies whether you want to use SSL to connect to Broker (deprecated) or Universal Messaging. Selecting the option enables all the other SSL-related fields for the WmOptimize package and renders them required.
To remove the SSL connections for the WmOptimize package after they have been activated, you must reload the package.
Set to
To specify that
Clear (the default)
You do not want to use SSL connection to Broker (deprecated) or Universal Messaging.
You want to use SSL connection to the Broker (deprecated) or Universal Messaging. For more information about SSL configuration for the Broker (deprecated), see Administering webMethods Broker. For more information about SSL configuration for Universal Messaging, see the Universal Messaging documentation available at Software AG Documentation web site.
Use Encryption
Specifies whether you want to use encryption for the connection or not.
Set to
To specify that
Clear (the default)
The connection will be authenticated but no data will be encrypted.
All traffic to the JMS server and/or the Optimize Analytic Engine on this connection will be encrypted.
SSL Keystore File
(Required if Use SSL is selected) Displays the absolute path and file name of the keystore file containing the SSL certificate to be used by the test client to join the client group. Type in the path and file name that you want to use.
Event Enable
Specifies whether you want to start publishing events to other consumer products.
Set to
To specify that
Clear (the default)
No events (push process control operations, push step control operations, process execution errors) will be published to consumers.
All events will be published to consumers.
SSL Truststore File
(Required if Use SSL is selected) Displays the absolute path and file name of the truststore file containing the trusted root for the SSL certificate stored in the specified keystore. Type in the path and file name that you want to use.
SSL Keystore Password
(Required if Use SSL is selected) Contains the password to the keystore file. Type in the password.
ISO UTC Time Handling
Defines whether the yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’ time/date format should use UTC time zone or the locally set time zone.
Set to
Selected (the default)
Use the UTC time zone.
Use the locally set time zone.
5. Click Submit.
6. Reload the WmOptimize package from the Packages > Management page for the changes to take effect.