Optimize 10.11 | webMethods Optimize Documentation | Administering webMethods Optimize | For System Administrators | Configuring and Using the Infrastructure Data Collector | Configuring Infrastructure Data Collector for SSL
Configuring Infrastructure Data Collector for SSL
This section describes how to manually secure Infrastructure Data Collector for SSL. Note that to secure an entire system, you must also secure all other Optimize components as well.
*To secure Infrastructure Data Collector for SSL
1. Remove the Infrastructure Data Collector logical server from your Optimize environment if it contains one. For more information, see Configuring and Deploying Your Environment.
2. In Command Central, go to your Infrastructure Data Collector instance and enable the SSH port. For more information, see Configuring the Infrastructure Data Collector OSGi Component in Configuring BAM.
3. Stop Infrastructure Data Collector. For more information, see Starting and Stopping Infrastructure Data Collector.
4. Open the Software AG_directory \profiles\InfraDC\configuration\config.ini file and remove the following lines:
5. Open the Software AG_directory \profiles\InfraDC\configuration\infradc.cnf file and configure the following parameters:
default.name.qualifier=@localhost\:<Infrastructure Data Collector SSH port>
6. Go to Software AG_directory \profiles\InfraDC\configuration\com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader and remove or rename the com.softwareag.catalina.connector.http.pid-15005.properties file.
7. Start Infrastructure Data Collector. For more information, see Starting and Stopping Infrastructure Data Collector.
8. In Command Central, go to your Infrastructure Data Collector instance and add a new HTTPS port. Click on Connection Basics and provide the following configuration:
Port Number
Spare Threads Min
Redirect Port
<Infrastructure Data Collector SSH port>
Accept Count
HTTP Header Size Max
Key Manager Algorithm
SSL Protocol
Click on Security Config. For Keystore Type, select JKS. Provide the location of the keystore file for the Infrastructure Data Collector server.
9. In Command Central, go to your Infrastructure Data Collector instance and click Data Collector. Select Endpoints from the drop-down list and configure the Endpoint connections. For more information, see Using Command Central to Manage Infrastructure Data Collector in Configuring BAM.
10. Select JNDI from the drop-down list and provide the Trust store file and password. For more information, see Defining JNDI Configuration Settings in Configuring BAM.
11. Select Collector Settings from the drop-down list and configure the collector settings. For more information, see Defining Collector Settings in Configuring BAM.