My webMethods Server 10.3 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | My webMethods Server Portlet Reference | Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility
Legacy Portlets and Backwards Compatibility
Summary of Portlets, Components, and DBOs
Advanced Tooltip Portlet
Calendar Picker Portlet
Dynamic Table Portlet
Dynamic Tree Portlet
Dynamic Tabs Portlet
Extended Property Editors Component
I18N Property Editors Component
Legacy Property Editors Component
The Machine Skin
PCA Submit Button Portlet
Popup Tab Styles Portlet
Progress Indicator Portlet
Resource List View Portlet
Selected List View Portlet
Simple Property Editors Component
Spotlight Tab Styles Portlet
Tab Styles Portlet
Toggle Opened/Closed Portlet
Universal Picker Portlet
This chapter describes the portlets, components, and dynamic business objects (DBOs) that My webMethods Server provides out-of-the-box for working with legacy portlets and components or for backwards compatibility.