JCR Html - jcr_h

Tag Library Information 
ID (tag prefix)jcr_h
Tag Summary 

A modal dialog that enables the user to select one or more resources, such as folders, pages, and portlets.

The selected resources are referenced by the control's targetValue property. For a single-select picker, you can bind the targetValue property to the following data types:

  • javax.jcr.Node - A model object representing the JCR node
  • java.lang.String - A string representation of the path of the JCR node

For a multi-select picker, you can bind the targetValue attribute to the following data types:

  • java.util.List<javax.jcr.Node> - A list of JCR nodes
  • java.lang.String[] - An array of the string representation of the path of the JCR nodes
  • java.lang.String - An comma-separated string of the paths of the JCR nodes

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