Configuring the Connection to the Universal Messaging Server
By default, My webMethods Server uses the Software AG Universal Messaging server as a Java Message Service (JMS) provider. However, the connection to the Universal Messaging server is not configured by default. When you start a node in a My webMethods Server cluster for the first time, the node starts in maintenance mode. To exit maintenance mode, you must login to the cluster node, and configure the connection to the Universal Messaging server. When the other nodes in the cluster are accessible over the network, My webMethods Server automatically propagates the configuration. If My webMethods Server does not update the configuration of a node automatically, log in to the node and reload the cluster configuration from the Cluster Administration page.
A node in the cluster enters maintenance mode when the node loses connection to the Universal Messaging server, and exits maintenance mode when the server becomes available.
To configure the connection to the
Universal Messaging server
1. Navigate to the following page:
My webMethods administrator:
Navigate > Applications > Administration > My webMethods > Cluster Settings.
As sysadmin:
Administration Dashboard > Configuration > Cluster Administration.
2. On the Advanced or Clustered Configuration tab, specify the location of the Universal Messaging server in the JNDI Provider URL field.
The default URL of the Universal Messaging server in a local installation is:
3. Click Submit.