My webMethods Server 10.15 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Administering My webMethods Server | Server Page Development | Customizing Skins | Using the Skin Administration Page | Replacing Colors Using a Color Picker
Replacing Colors Using a Color Picker
There are a number of different color settings in a skin that affect different parts of a page. To change settings, you select colors in the skin editor, apply the colors to skin properties, and preview your changes.
*To replace the color of a skin property using a color picker
1. As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Skin Administration.
2. To modify a skin, click the Tools icon The Tools icon and then click Edit.
3. Click Colors.
4. Click the skin property for which you want to replace the color.
The skin property is highlighted with a red box.
5. In the Picker panel, click the color to be used as a replacement.
The selected color appears in the horizontal bar at the bottom of the Picker panel, and the hexadecimal value appears in the # field at the top.
If you know the hexadecimal value of the replacement color, you can type it directly in the # field.
6. To save a color to the Scratchpad panel, click the down arrow directly beneath the Picker panel.
If you want lighter and darker shades of a particular color for use in foregrounds and backgrounds, save the color in the Scratchpad panel and, in the vertical bar on the right edge of the Picker panel, click above or below the original color. Save multiple colors to the Scratchpad.
7. To set the color for a skin property, click The Deselect arrow from either the Picker panel or the Scratchpad panel.
8. At the bottom of the page, click Preview.
The preview demonstrates how your changes have affected the skin.
If the page is not in one of the folders labeled My Folders, My Home Page, or Public Folders, see Previewing a Page Elsewhere on the Server.
9. Close the Preview window.
10. Click Save.
Assume you have created the Carbon Sailing skin as described in Creating and Modifying a New Skin and want to change the colors used for buttons.
1. As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Skin Administration.
2. To modify a skin, click The Tools icon and then click Edit.
3. Click Colors.
4. Click the button - button text skin property.
5. In the Color field of the Picker panel, replace the default color (BUTTON if the parent skin is Pearls) by typing FFFFFF.
6. Click The Deselect arrow from the Picker panel.
The check box in the Inherited column is cleared, indicating this skin property is no longer inherited from the parent skin.
7. Click the button-bg - button background skin property.
8. In the Picker panel, replace the default color by typing 9EB6C7.
9. Click The Deselect arrow from the Picker panel.
10. In a similar way, replace the remaining button color properties with the following values:
The following table lists the values to supply for each skin property:
button-border - button border
button-border-light - button border
button-hover - button text
button-hover-bg - button background
button-hover-border - button border
button-hover-border-light - button border
button-disabled - disabled button text
button-disabled-bg - disabled button background
button-disabled-border - disabled button border
11. At the bottom of the page, click Preview.
The following table displays the preview results for the modified button properties:
Default button:
The default Search button
New color:
The Search button with a new color
New hover color:
The Search button color on hover
Final button:
The final Search button
The final button includes font changes made in Replacing Fonts Using a Picker.
12. Click Save.