My webMethods Server 10.15 | My webMethods Server Webhelp | Administering My webMethods Server | Server Page Development | Managing Workspaces in My webMethods Server | Workspace Actions You Can Perform from the Workspace Management Page | Performing an Advanced Search for Workspaces
Performing an Advanced Search for Workspaces
Use an advanced search to specify detailed criteria to search for workspaces.
You can find workspaces for which you are the owner or shared workspaces for which you have at least View Only permissions. My webMethods administrators can search for workspaces owned by any users.
For more information about sharing workspaces, see Sharing a Workspace. For more information about workspace permissions, see Working with My webMethods.
*To perform an advanced search for workspaces
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > Workspace Management.
2. Click the Advanced search tab if it is not already displayed.
For instructions for how to use the Keyword tab, see Performing a Keyword Search for Workspaces. For instructions for how to use the Saved and Options tabs, see Working with My webMethods.
3. In the Keywords field, optionally type text found in the names, description, or keywords of the workspaces you want to find.
4. To specify detailed criteria, specify each criterion you want to use:
a. From the list, select a criterion you want to use:
The following table lists the available search criteria, and how to configure each criterion:
In the text box, type a string contained in the names of the workspaces you want to find.
In the text box, type a string contained in the descriptions of the workspaces you want to find.
In the text box, type a string contained in the keywords of the workspaces you want to find.
In the text box, type a string contained in the aliases assigned to the workspaces that you want to use to find.
Select the type of workspaces you want to find from the list.
a. Click Browse.
b. Use the Select Users window to search for and select the users whose workspaces you want to find. For instructions on how to search for users, see Working with My webMethods.
c. Click Apply.
Created Date
In the Date Range list, select the date range you want to use to search for workspaces that were created within the date range you specify.
Modified Date
In the Date Range list, select the date range you want to use to search for workspaces that were modified within the date range you specify.
b. To add another criterion, select The Add Row iconAdd and repeat this step.
5. In the Search Condition list, select:
*AND if you want My webMethods Server to search for workspaces that meet all the criteria you specify.
*OR if you want My webMethods Server to search for workspaces that meet any the criteria you specify.
6. Click Search.